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Heya everyone who stuck around, Thanks for stickin' around!

And supporting me ofc, definitely a big help what with the life change and moving and all that. I started doing the 1-man/Stream comms that i'd been thinking about/tinkering with for a while now and it's actually been going pretty well! Really glad that i'm able to actually pull those off and get people stuff they want without running into the trouble of procrastination and all that on my part; as it's the leading reason to why my actual comm openings are so sparse.

This month my goal is to do more of those, at least 3 or so; and *also* aim at finishing up some of the long term wips i have in here. Not to pat myself on the back, but i'm sitting on a lot of gold in tihs here mine here that i have yet to clean up and pluck out. I'm sure at least some of ya agree.

I'm aiming to finish these leftover Madman sketches before the month really gets going, so don't sweat that.

Other than all that, i think we're all good. Another thank you to all of you supporting me, both long term and the new people comin' in!

Seeya soon! :V


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