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if you've been with me for a while, then you know about Karma And The Bully, yeah? That one original comic i did that a lot of people liked, hold onto those characters even now through my new Ambercream Avenue bizz? Yeah.

Sometime kinda shortly after the original comic wrapped up, i'd opened up a side page on Tumblr where people could ask the boys about stuff here and there, even dropped a few """plot""" things, and was feelin pretty proud of myself, so much so that i started planning a sequel.

Obviously we're not looking at a completed sequel comic right now, are we?

But, like i said, i was planning it; and very gungho into it as you can see here.

(I promise the plot of this one isn't as edgy as it looks up there)

It was about somebody from Bull's 'past' (like, honestly someone he knew a year ago) coming back to his class after expension or expulsion or s/t and making him all sorts of uncomfortable now that he's *somewhat* come to terms with the fact that he's gay. Always felt weird about this guy, 'Croc', but wasn't always totally sure why. Karma would initially be excited for Bull but then recall some things that happened in his past and quickly switches to Protective Ghost Dog, trying to push the two of them away only for Bull to just tell him outright that he wants this. Karma's a softie and relents, but at least teaches Bull how to ah.....

Properly satisfy a man. Ey wink wink nudge nudge.

I didn't have too much written down past that and i skipped over a bunch of specifics, but that's the gist.

Aside from that, here's a spoiler(?) of what Karma looked like before he got M*rd*r*d

And a *joke* cover that i put out a few years back on the anniversary i think. I remember someone actually getting pretty peeved at me for it which is funny but also 'wow people were that interested?'


Figure i should share this here since yall *are* here to be in my business and people like KATB. Hope ya enjoyed learnin 'bout all this :V!




aww my eyes skipped the canned part and got excited when i saw the email haha but damn, karma was a cutie! and croc's not too shabby either. always did love a man with covered eyes

luis lizardo

Man if you ever decided to make this it would be a happy day