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Heyo everyone, been a bit since i popped in here on account of me moving! Aside from some delays with the train over here, it was a complete success! I'm sittin' here at a desk right next to my boyfriend right now!

Thank y'all again for your support, definitely going to be a help now that i'm out and payin rent again, heh. <3

I'll try my best to get around to the request sheet, but no promises that it'll be done before the usual deadline i have; still kinda sittin in a crummy kitchen chair right now at my desk, pff.

But yeah, TL;DR, i moved in with my boyfriend, gettin cozy and situated, will be back on the art tracks hopefully soon.


It's Jake

LET'S GO!!!! I'm glad it went well! :)


thank you again so much for your help in particular, definitely sped up the process of me getting a new desk/chair setup.


woooo CONGRATS! i hope things calm down some for ya soon enough!