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It's a check-in, we're safe from her...for now.

Hello yall, how y'all doin' on this december?

I'm doin pretty good considering i'm about to be (hopefully) moving with my boyfriend!

And your guys' support makes that shit all the easier, so again i thank you guys a whole fuckton. Here's hopin' i'll keep makin stuff ya vibe with/You'll keep wantin' to support.

Around the 15th or so my art may slow because that's when all of my moving business starts. Another thing to note is the times i start working on the Request Sheet and Madman Sketches.

Instead of busting my hump trying to get them out as fast as possible (and therefore a lil underbaked), I'm gonna instead aim to have the Request Sheet out by the 20th (as opposed to the 10th-15th, madman moment myself.), and Madman Sketches out by the end of the month.

One more thing is i noticed that the ACA posting over here is steadily ramping up, i hope you guys are enjoying the characters i make n stuff. I won't lie, i'm really wanting to sit down sometime and start puttin' out comics for the guys, but i suppose we'll see.

Anyway! Thank you guys so much for your support, let's hope this month's a good one!





Good luck!! I know how annoying moving can be for sure. Also I love the ACA and also I want to see more higgs my beloved,, but that's not like, a demand or anythin, he's just super cute and i love him

Dude Bulge

WORD! Hell yeah! I hope the move goes well and you gents love livin' together! Enjoy your December!