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So, as we probably know by now; Madman has a limited amount of spots and they've been full for a good while and fer good reason i suppose; but i've heard here and there from friends and jus patrons alike that they'd ofc want a spot or to get in there and i'm thinking maybe a rotation-like system.

Hypothetically i'd open 4 more spots for it (and hopefully they're full by time we spin again around next month) and i switch off between 4 people who got the stuff last month and people who would be getting it this month, so on and so forth.

set 1 of 4 people would get stuff for month
and then set 2 of 4 people for the next one
n back n forth back n forth. y'get me?

Kinda thought about it before but something that held me up on it was that people would be paying that for a month and not really get anything on hand, but at the same time it's kind of a choice some would make regardless / some people are fine with that from what i've seen.

Whaddya guys think?


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