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1 / 2: Had this idea for about a week now and i finally got around to starting it. Though i am having an indecisive moment bc like. While i clearly worked on the first one more, the second one still seems like it could be Fuckin Noice. Pain.

3: been playing a lot of KOF and i've finally succumbed to The Resident Old Guy. I have a whole page of poses and whatnot of him doing gay shit that i have to refine. God damnit.




i love bowser's expression in that first one. it really feels like the first 2 are a sequence of like how it started and how its going, but whichever you choose to finish out either will look great! and who could ever Not Like more old man butts


That is a really cool way of viewing it tbh. Might actually drive me to just do both of em.

luis lizardo

Okay these are ticking All of my boxes, I’m excited