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Heyo everyone!

First off, thank you for your continued support; not only just for this month, but pretty much the entire year for a good handful of you. Your help goes a long way, truly. 

Since i'm a great deal more comfortable in a lot of regards, i hope i'll be able to get more stuff done and show y'all a lot more of what i have in mind. 

There's a rather big thing i'd been working on for a few months now (and has been in my head since the release of Karma And The Bully) that i'm working myself really hard toward showing off. I don't really want to make too many waves or show off stuff about it until it's near complete if not complete; y'know? Better to show once and loudly than tell a thousand times and in whispers.

I do hope you guys are able or are interested enough until then, but i'll still keep doin business as usual for everything here. 




Happy new year man, I can’t wait to see what you got cooking~