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Sup, queers!

Hope you guys had a pretty good may; it was weirdly eventful on my side- and it only keeps bein so as i move into june bc i'm moving into a new apartment!! Boy fuckin' howdy am i not lookin forward to moving my bed up stairs and all that jazz but it's all for the better most likely augh. That aside though, i dont got too much else to say that i dont say time n time again really aside from the fact that i'm opening commissions later today to cover moving expenses n stuff! Also, i'm feelin real juiced about ACA now that i have EP2 p much more than halfway (is 10 outta 17 more than halfway??) done! Its takin time but as long as progress is made im callin it a win!

Hope you guys have been enjoying the art and ideas. I have no idea what i'll be able to get down or plan for this month so i guess we'll have to see!

As always, thank you all so much for supporting me and my art!

-Pesky & “G★”



Austin F

just realized that i should've made the s76 request in june to celebrate his month. damn! (also, good luck with moving! i'm sure it'll go well)

Hr. Seehund

I hope your new apartment is nicer with great amenities.🙌🏾