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Another Year Passes, goin' on 23. Sad to see the even numbers go but alas; 24 will be even better to look at.

Number woes aside; it is indeed my birthday as of the time of posting. It's been an...interesting year since last time. I don't want to sound too dramatic but i think I've been figuring out a lot of things about myself and what my relationship to art in any facet is. As time goes on I'm realizing that i need to be more and more myself instead of trying to play for expectations- It took a long time to learn such but i'm glad i'm starting to get it. I am of course fairly disappointed that i didn't have the momentum with ACA that i obviously wanted, but i juggle a lot here and between friends and other life duties so what did i really expect; All that matters on that is that progress is being made and i don't have a hope in my heart about giving up. I actually get more excited about it as days pass even if i seem pretty quiet- Hate to make a big deal with nothing to present- y'know?

It'd be remiss for me not to mention the Discord Server that we started quite some time ago; July of 2023 to be exact. It's gone marginally better than some of the ones I've had it before, dare i even say that it's been pretty beneficial in terms of sharing my art, notifications about posts, and generally chumming and connecting with y'all. Got some crushes on some characters, learned that some of you are really good artists; etc. I'm glad i made it, maybe even glad that i made it before i initially planned to. Thank you guys so much.

So..The Patreon Situation.
Not that i intend to shut it down or anything like that- but rather with the whole Patreon Running Around Tapping NSFW Accounts thing. Quite frankly? If it happens, it happens. I don't know. I don't feel a huge fight in me to scramble to another site unless you guys would really want that or something. I'd be so bold as to say that i could mostly make it off commissions but again; that might just be wishful thinking. The migration to a whole other site with all the posts that i have here sounds incredibly obnoxious. I guess we'll see what happens- I'm more or less within TOS anyway, pretty vanilla with almost all that i draw anyway.

There are of course complications and growing pains with everything so i wont say anything's perfect; especially not now of all times- but i'm fairly happy with how it's all going. Thank you all for supporting me, and i hope you continue to even after i start really showing off what i have in mind with my leading project.

Here's to 24 after 24.

-Pesky & “G★”




Well, I hope your birthday goes good man. I hope your patreon stays open so I can continue to support ya If not, well I'll just have to keep getting commissions lol. Also im really glad you opened the discord, even if we aren't friends or anything, just being able to chat with one of of my favorite artists has been a blast! Also so many people in there are cool asf