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Happy Mario Day everyone! I know i do something for these every year so what could i possibly have in mind this time around? Well, i figured why not pair my homoerotic intrigue with this little moustache man with one of my very vested interests as well as take up my design chops! So i bring you the 8-Player Smash! (almost) All these little plumbers are based off of alternate colors found in Smash Bros! I've had these designs on hand for a bit now and figured this is a good a time as any to put them to work :)!!

OH, but that's not all!

I'm all giggles and jubilation right now so mind the prancing, but i have QUITE the show for you all planned. You've heard of Mario Day, but what about Mario WEEK? THAT'S RIGHT!! what about MARIO WEEK?? I didn't make only 3 pieces, not 5, 

but instead 9 individual pieces all in the span of the last 3-4 days for this occassion! 

I want that little man. 

And with your help i have made quite the smorgasboard of pieces; i worked pretty hard on these so i hope you enjoy what's to come ahehehe huhuhu hrhrhrhr.



Hr. Seehund

Great world, sir👍🏾


Mother of my children, champion of my heart, stars in the night, pull of the moon, grass on my bare feet, thank you goober