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Hello my awesome Patreon members!

Some of you might know that I'm participating in several events this year.

I would like to select some NSFW's from Patreon and make a doujin book that will be sold at Asa's booth in the Japan event.

I will give my gold patrons who have pledged for 3 or more months ($90 or above)  the choice to have ONE of EITHER my SFW art book OR my NSFW art book sent for free as my way to show gratitude for their support!

Not all NSFW's uploaded in the past will be included in the book and it will be censored by Japanese law, but some dialogue and sound effects may be added in Japanese.

There will be no online sales other than sending the gift to a gold member who fulfills the conditions above. The book will be sold offline only once in May in Japan.

Even if you haven't currently pledged for 3 months, you will be eligible for the free book when your current pledge reaches 3 months.

Thank you!

I will be making a google form link to send to my gold patrons that will be eligible for the free art book when the book is ready including more details in the future.



Cant wait til 2 months from now ;-; I want the book so bad Dx


Hi gearous, how about the SFW art book, can we still buy it online?


So, if I increase my pledge to $30 for March, and carry it at $30 for April and May, I would qualify for a copy? If that's the case, I'd be happy to increase my pledge.


I am so excited for this!!!!


And yes, I agree with Adeline_yoi, I'd love to purchase the SFW book - I collect beautiful art books.


You're wonderful, Gear. :)


I'm super excited! I'll have my third month next month. I can't wait!


Can I buy the other book once i reach my 3rd month? I like to have then both if possible 😍


This is the best news I have had all week!


if you are eligible for 3 months pledge as a gold member, you can get NSFW for free, and purchase SFW illustration book online :) Hope this answered your question.


if you become gold member in march, remain as gold member until may will make you eligible for a free one copy of NSFW(or SFW) book. Hope this answered your question. Thank you so much for considering!


if you are eligible for 3 months pledge as a gold member, you can get NSFW for free, and purchase SFW illustration book online :) Hope this answered your question.


I have been gold patrons for 2 months,I think I will continue to support you~


One question, then the book will be available for international sale? T ^ T


SFW fan book will be available, but NSFW is not going to be available for online. Thank you for asking!


Do we have to ask for it like in a message to you or will you automatically send it? 🤔


I will open a google doc so I can check if the member wants SFW or NSFW , and when I do I will message every patreon members who's eligible for free book!


Gearous, this is so thoughtful of you - thank you! I think I hit my 3 months as a Gold patron in May (I was Gold in February but had to go back to Bronze because I was moving from Italy back to the U.S., but I'm back to Gold now - lol). I'm so glad to be back to Gold now, by the way - I can see all of your amazing artwork again! I would love to have the NSFW fan book sent to me, since I will be able to purchase the SFW one. I hope I'll be able to get 2 SFW books when they go on sale - one to keep in mint condition in my library, and one to enjoy as a coffee table artbook with the artbooks I collect! But if I can only get one when they go on sale, I'll be grateful to have gotten it. Thank you again, Gearous! <3


I'm so happy about what you do for us patreons!! As a sidenote, I have been Gold since January (i found you in late december ahaha) and today I went back to try and find an old artwork. That's when I noticed that I couldn't view a couple NSFW posts for goldpatreon, even though those were posted in January and Febuary. Did you hide them totally or do I have to click something to view the image? Anyway, thank you for your awesome art!


Thank you Gear! You're amazing. I personally got to know you just by mid February and just went gold this month. But I'll keep supporting you for as long as I can so I'l hopefully be eligible by May! Either way, will you be selling your SFW artbook at comic con? *I'm seriously thinking about going to pay a visit :) but I would have to go all by myself *


Thank you!! Can't wait for your work and my three months to come 🤣


I'm so glad I started supporting you this month and should be able to continue that until May (or even longer). I had planned to buy your normal artbook anyway but also getting the chance to receive some NSFW pics in printed book form is absolutely amazing news and I can't thank you enough for the opportunity. I'm really looking forward to these projects! *_*


It’s very thoughtful of you! I'll have my third month next month. You're awesome. 。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:。


Umm is it mean that I started $30 since February, so I can get free NSFW book and I am possible to buy SFW book in April😍?


I'm confused ... I became a patron this month and thus have until May until I have supported you for three months. Can I still get a book then?


He usually hides or deletes the posts for the previous months. He writes at the beginning of every month why he does that. Look for the March announcement. The only thing you can do to keep looking at them is to save them for yourself ( your eyes only and not upload them somewhere online).


Read through the comments. He replied to one member. "Gearous if you become gold member in march, remain as gold member until may will make you eligible for a free one copy of NSFW(or SFW) book. Hope this answered your question. Thank you so much for considering!"


Hello Gearous. A friend is considering on becoming a gold patron. Until when will she be able to still pay for March? I told her by the 30th to be on the safe side. Also will the shipping for the free art book be paid by us or by you? I imagine it'll be paid by us but I'm asking just to be sure. Thanks!


Hi Gearous! I have currently pledged for 3 months, but I havent seen the google sheet yet. Is it uploaded yet?


Slightly confused, is the SFW art book the one that you posted the cover art for earlier? Or is it a whole different art book?


I will wait then. :3


Me wait


I am wondering, if you've been a Gold member for over 3 months, but then downgraded to Silver or Bronze, would you still be eligible? Or do you have to be a Gold member in addition to being at least 3 months at the time of the Google Form?


I'm wondering the same thing; I've been gold level since January but unfortunately haven't been able to work recently so I need to cut my Patreon pledges for a few months, but I'd still like to be able to get the book when the time comes.


Hello Gearous,I've been a gold patron since May.I'm wondering if I would be gold member till June or later,is this reward available to me at that time?Wait for your reply :)