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Hello everyone, this is Gearous!

After promising to renew my Patreon tiers from a few months ago, I was finally able to talk to patreon team and figured out how to give new tier options. I'm excited to announce the new discounted tiers and rewards system!

Thank you so much for waiting and thank you for giving me your feedback! 

Here are the new tiers starting from July!

  • $1 Starter tier is the most exclusive tier for my original series and projects! You'll be the first to hear about any special announcements and have access to the Patreon feed!

  • $3 Comic tier Early COMIC access + Sketch NSFW It's one of the greatest ways keep up with my original comic series and have a look at works in progress! 

 * * Includes all the benefits from the lower tiers  

  • $14 NSFW tier Weekly (4) NSFW rewards + Early COMIC access, this is the most compatible reward tier if you are exclusively interested in my NSFW content!

 * * Includes all the benefits from the lower tiers  

  • $24 Combo tier  Weekly (4) NSFW with PSD + LIVE2D (Animated GIF) + Weekly (4) SFW rewards with PSD and High resolution file + Monthly Request The best combination of NSFW+SFW rewards and you can get a behind-the-scenes look at Gearous' works! 

 * * Includes all the benefits from the lower tiers  

  • There will be no more CEO tier because I will be making Gumroad accessible in July! 

  • $90 VIP tier A physical hand drawn personal request delivered to your door! Photo card with new illustrations every month and you can actually watch your request being completed with an exclusive President member only hangout session! 

* * Includes all the benefits from the lower tiers 

The new tier membership will appear to the Patreon page on June 24th.

All members can move their tiers to the new tier before July and the new billing cycle will be applied from July 1st.

Starting from July, the old tiers will be hidden.

The instruction announcement for the new tier shift will be made on June 24th.

If you have any concerns or feed backs, please share with me gearousmail@gmail.com or comment below. Your opinion is the most important!

Thank you so much again for your support and I'm so happy to share this update with everyone!




So is the old $30 tier equivalent to what the new $24 tier is?


Thank you, Gear! +_+ I'm excited with this new tier update!


I am currently $10 so how does it work. Will I be moving $10 to $14?


You are getting 2 NSFW rewards each month currently. With the new $14 tier, you will be getting 4 NSFW each month ! Thank you for asking!


Ok that seems beneficial. Thank you for clarification. 😁


Ooooh Exciting! \ (´♡`)/


This is so great!! 💜 Thank you Gear!! 🤗💕


Hello, Gear, would you possibly consider adding a $14 SFW tier? It could have the same rewards as the $14 NSFW tier, just with weekly SFW rewards instead of NSFW rewards. Thank you!


Oh!!! Thank you for your opinion! I will definitely look into this. I appreciate it so much!


YAY! That’s great news!!!! ヽ(´▽`)/ also I misread ‘delivered to your door’ as ‘hand delivered to your door’ and I was like HOW?!!!! 😂 🤣 But yes! I’m so glad Patreon helped you out to get your new tiers out!!! Have a glorious day Gear!!!


This is fantastic!! Thank you so much for changing and even discounting the tier Gear T_T <3


These sound great Gear :)


I am so excited Gear for this change! 2 more NSFW drawings...I don’t know if my heart will be able to contain the emotion (*´Д`*)


I like the new tier set up and pricing. I joined CEO so I could get some of your past works so I feel lucky I got almost all the ones before I joined. I don’t know what gumroad is but look forward to hearing more. Quick question: in the past you offered special packages with your new books and products for higher tiers and length of membership. Will that still be the case with the new tiers or is that changing too? Either way I’m grateful for your work and will remain loyal. The $24 tier has my name all over it. Thanks for thinking of your fans and supporters.


One more question: will you still honor this last month of CEO (choosing a month of previous works) or will it just switch to the new tier on July 1st with out it? Thanks


Is there a limit to the number of VIP’s? Can I automatically be assigned a VIP?

Amanda Poland

This is awesome!!! I was really frustrated that I couldn’t read a story straight through with the missing nsfw pages! Also please tell me your gumroad will include pdf files of your previous books. Because I would love to get them!


How will this affect viewing previous tier specific rewards? Will the $14 NSFW tier be able to view the professor tier art? Excluding live2d


Gumroads is a platform that I'm going to upload each month's package on the page. it will be more convenient for members who wants to take a break from the page or members who missed out the previous rewards! Special packages will be available when My Little Merman Physical book comes out! For Flare, I offer a poly bag for members who've been pledging more than $90 and it comes with all other rewards such as a art folder and photo cards! Thank you so much for your support and love =///= hope you find everything enjoyable!


Thank you for asking! you will be getting this month's CEO rewards when July starts. ^^ It will not automatically change your tier to $24 tier so make sure you change your tier before July 1st when new tiers are available on June 24th. Hope I answered your question and thank you for supporting me!


There will be limit to VIP Tier but When you're already in the tier, you don't have to change. Thank you for asking!


Thank you so much for your feed back! That's a great idea! I will be more than happy to put it when it's ready. ^^


It's not either clam or professor, it is a new tier reward. $14 will have NSFW tier Weekly (4) NSFW rewards + Early COMIC access and it Includes all the benefits from the lower tiers. it does not include SFW rewards. The current Professor has NSFW and SFW rewards, video process and PSD files. Hope I answered your question and thank you for asking!


Gearous the professor tier is still the same right?


I am a professor so my tier reminded the same right because i am confused?