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Hi, this is Gearous!

For members who had been waiting for the announcement about how to get <Wedding>, here it is!

It will be sold online for Patreon members who had been pledging more than 3 months as a gold member (Life time pledge as $90 or above)- just like <Kiss & Cry> and <Kiss & Cry Gold>

The book's option is as shown above!

I will announce with more details when the book has arrived!

Thank you for always supporting me and I hope you have a great day! 




WAAAAAAAH I LOVE YOU! THANK YOU! I AM SO HAPPY!!!!! *sobs uncontrollable happy tears* 😭 😭 💕 🙏🏻


Would a platinum level pledge be eligible to purchase too?


I am so sad I can't buy it :( I'd happy pay you $100 for it but I'm not a gold patreon ;_;


you will be eligible if you pledged more than 3 months as a gold member OR Life time pledge as $90 and above. It does not matter what your current tier is, so please check your eligibility again! Thank you!


Ahhh!! Looking forward to it! Thank you, Gear!!


기어님!! 혹시 얼티밋 섹스로이드와 웨딩 중 어느책이 먼저 나올지 알 수 있을까요? 몇권씩 살지 생각하구 돈을 빼둬야 할 것 같아서요..ㅎㅎ


Starting from March I will have pledged 3 months on Gold Level. Will I be eligible for buying the book? :)


Yay I can't wait to buy it, thank you!


Yay!! thank you Gear! I'm really happy we get the chance!! &lt;3 You are amazing!


Cant wait to buy it


So if you're not a gold member, you can't buy the book at all?


Will there be any chance for other members to buy it in the future?


My wallet is out of control~~ when will you stop it? 😂😂😂 (just kidding, can’t wait for it!!!💕💕


I tried to pledge platinum level so that I could be eligible to buy Wedding but it wouldn't let me. Is there another way?


Can we also get the extra booklet? (The one you drew with Asa san)


because Asa-san is part of it, You will not be able to. I'm so sorry !!&gt;


아마 섹사로이드 쪽이 먼저 나올것 같습니다. 감사합니다!


Hi, thank you for asking! You can pledge $90 and still be gold member. but keep in mind that you will not be able to get the rewards for platinum members, Thank you!


You will be eligible if you pledged more than 3 months as a gold member OR Life time pledge as $90 and above. It does not matter what your current tier is. I only do online shipping for my Patreon members. Thank you for asking!


Hi, Thank you for asking. You will be eligible if you pledged more than 3 months as a gold member OR Life time pledge as $90 and above. It does not matter what your current tier is, thank you!


Yes! as long as you become eligible when the book is released on Patreon. Thank you!


I guess what I want to know is if I don't qualify by the time the book is out will it be sold at some other time or on mandrake? Currently I don't meet the requirements and I don't think I'll be able to until October-ish.


OMG OMG i sure going to buy this . For this one can we buy more than one copy or is going to be limited one per member? Btw I just love your art tooo much!!


so excited for it

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-05 06:40:24 So glad that I was able to get all of your books so far. And I'll defnitely getting this one as well. &lt;3
2018-02-27 20:11:26 So glad that I was able to get all of your books so far. And I'll defnitely getting this one as well. <3

So glad that I was able to get all of your books so far. And I'll defnitely getting this one as well. <3


Did I miss the form to order this book or is it still forthcoming? I'm super excited to add it to my collection :3