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HI! This is Gearous.

Some members gave me questions about how my thought out processes are done and how I normally study for drawings and manga!

I thought it was a great idea to share some thought out processes with my Patreon members even if it was not the coolest information =///=;;

These are some of the books I read when I study drawing.

I read more books than shown above,  but I decided to share these because these were very helpful when I read it!

HYPER ANGLE shape of man


COLOR and LIGHT - James Gurney

 인체 해부와 묘사법(Anatomy and Figure Drawing) - Louise Gordon  

Strength Training Anatomy -Frederic Delaveir

are shown on picture above! 

Thank you so much for allowing me to share my art and information with you, I really appreciate all your support! 




Interested in HYPER ANGLE(because of the cover😝) Gearous is very hardworking! and try your best to show us what you learn. Thank you!❤️(I do nothing, laying on the sofa and enjoy your work)


I finally got the chance to admire your books. It was really interesting to see how much your drawing has improved over the past 1 year (?). Was really sorry I wasn't part of the group who supported and watched over your growth in the beginning. Really excited to be part of the journey with you from now on, and for your upcoming works. Ganba, Gearous!!!


역시 멋진 작품은 모두 그만한 노력과 수고를 들여야 나오는군요..("-" ) 계속해서 노력하시는 기어님이 정말 멋져보여요!! 항상 멋진그림에 감스드리고 언제나 응원할게요!!


I think it's so great that you share information like this, keep on studying and doing the amazing art that you always bring to us, i'm really happy that I decide it to be your patreon, and I will always support you :) <3 lots of love from Chile.


Cool, I'll have to get those for my collection!


Wow! Thanks a lot for taking the time to share these resources with us, Gearous. As an artist, myself, I admire your artistic abilities and your creations as well as what your thoughts behind them may have been, so your sharing these resources help out a TON. I'm glad to know that I am on a good path since I have at least two of these books. I will get the others also. Thank you so much!


It's great to see the guides you use to get the results that you do. I know I appreciate it so I can have new reading material to enhance my own skills. Thanks.