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Hello, my greatest Patreon members!

Thank you so much for supporting and helping me grow to become the artist I am now, I could not even dream about being supported by so many great people.

 I am really grateful for having you all as supporters.

I’ve been thinking about this for so long and considering how I am going to go to the next level and I finally decided and now ready. I announced last month that I am going to draw more original art work and also change my Patreon page! I will still continue drawing fan art, but I think drawing original art work will allow us to share more fun together!

So here are new tier rewards for each pledge starting from September 2017.

For all tiers:

  • Blurred NSFW Preview
  • Live 2D Preview (Cropped Live 2D)
  • Full SFW illustrations

$1 or more per month will get:

  • 2 SFW Illustrations Pencil Sketch
  • 4 NSFW Illustrations Cropped Previews 

For the Month.

$10 or more per month will get:

  • 2 SFW Illustrations High Resolution, PSD
  • 2 Full NSFW Illustrations with Minor Censoring
  • Original Character Concept Arts and Sketches

For the Month.

$30 or more per month will get:

  • 2 Additional Full NSFW with Illustrations w/o Censoring (Total of 4 NSFW per Month)
  • 4 Full NSFW Illustrations PSD File with Censoring Layers Separated!
  • Full Live2D!
  • Monthly Art Request Thread Post (will select 1 request either NSFW or SFW)

For the Month.

$90 or more per month will get: (Limited to only 20 members)

  • Voice over Progress Video from Live Stream!
  • 4 Autographed Posters + 4 Photo Cards with Thank you message!

For the Month.

Every tiers Includes all the benefits from the lower tiers of each month pledged

Rewards will be deleted every end of the Month.

All the new tier updates will start on Sep 1st. 

For Silver tiers members, instead of the previous censoring I had to use for my NSFW illustrations, there will be minor censoring instead. I will also be including original character concept arts and sharing my thoughts! 

For Gold tiers members, I finally added Live2D Reward, and will be providing NSFW PSD files, so you will be able to have more fun with it! 

I will be introducing the new Platinum tier starting September, this tier will be limited to only 20 people and I will actually be sending posters and photo cards with my thank you messages to your home!

All these tiers have been changed and I’m also considering using Gumroad to share previous month’s rewards for those who missed it. 

Every tier will include benefits from the lower tiers of each month.

Rewards will be deleted at the end of every Month.

Also, my Patreon goal will be changed to publishing an original Full colored BL Manga book! I think making a game is still currently a goal that is too large to accomplish alone, so I decided to change it to something I can actually achieve in current situation. 

Thank you so much for supporting me until now, I can’t say enough how thankful I am to you all, I promise I will always do my best and never forget your support.

Thank you! 

+ Gold tier will not have censoring on NSFW works! I thought  receiving  non censored version in PSD forms will be something new, but when I read some comments, some members might be uncomfortable with PSD files, so I decided to attach uncensored NSFW in PNG files when I post NSFW works! Thank you so much for your opinion!  If you have any further concerns, please share it with me!

+ All the tier will be changed on Sep 1st. I would not say it will be changed on exactly at 12 AM because Patreon system does not support that.  Thank you for asking!  



wow!Fantastic!I will always support your work!


Wooow! I'm really excited for what is about to come, specially with your original work. 🖤 always a pleasure to support you 💕


플레티넘 멤버가 추가된 건가용? 하아..제 영어실력의 한계에 그저 웁니다..플레티넘멤버는 기본은 골드와 같지만 달마다 영상과 포스터+엽서를 받을 수 있는건가용? 그렇다면 제가 20명안에 들고 말겠습니다. 이제 알바해서 용돈을 버는 전 무서울 것이 없어요. 미국이 지금 몇시더라...('-' )


It's great to be a part of Gearous' journey as they grow and evolve as an artist. So excited to be finally seeing more of your original work. I would really love to see your BL Game but an Original Full-coloured Manga is just as good. Davai, Gearous!


Amazing news for all of us!! It's a pleasure for me to support you and your incredible art 💞


I will continue to support you as much as I can! Thank you so much for all you for us, Gearous! Really looking forward to everything you have in store for us.


Thanks a lot for your hard work. I'm looking forward to the new changes and hope I can still continue my gold status support. I have a little question regarding the NSFW illustrations. Do you plan to add the format PSD for these or will they only be available as PSD? The problem is I don't have photoshop and I don't understand how gimp is working so even if I was able to save all the previous PSD files I don't know how to use them especially if it's about layers so it would be amazing if the NSFW illus can still be downloaded in a format like jpeg/png etc.


Seconding this. I almost exclusively use my phone, so having to uncensor from a psd is a big hassle =/


Thank you Gearous for blessing us with your amazing art. I'm super excited for all the things to come !! ☺️


Oh my God, I love your job and I will keep following until I have greater chances of being able to support it properly. I hope it will not be long.


Oh Gear!!!!! This is amazing! I'm so happy and proud of you! I really love the idea of seeing more of your original work. I guess I'll have to starve for a month to hit that 90USD level at least once ^^! GANBAAAAA!!!!


Thank you for all of your hard work! I really hope you decide to offer previous months with gumroad! Your work is amazing!!!!


Will this pledge option show up tomorrow?


I'm also curious if platinum will show tmo. My pledge is taken at midnight of the first of every month, so I was wondering if I should just change the pledge to 90 if it isn't?


I am glad to see the variety of options and love seeing my donation will allow for PSD of the NSFW works. I just wish I had enough to do $90 / month to get the posters and cards. Maybe in the future. However, I do have 2 questions, your past NSFW work was not censored at all for the gold level so why the minor censoring now? Also, you mentioned being able to get past works through GUMROAD; does this include all works since you started including NSFW? What is Gumroad and how do we get it? OK, that was 3ish questions. Thanks a lot. I am so honored to support you and look forward to the color BL manga.


Yay!! Original characters! I'm so looking forward to see what your ideas will be in the future! :D I'll support you however I can!


I hope you are eventually able to make a game, i think it would be very exciting. Regardless, best of luck on your new goal! Your work is beautiful and the idea of it being published as a manga is mind blowing!


Gold patreon tier will not have censoring! but they will be receiving in PSD forms. but when I read some comments, some members might be uncomfortable with PSD files, I will change that to png uncensored NSFW. Thank you for your opinion! Regarding Gumroad, it will not include NSFW works from previous months. if it starts, I will start from this September. Gumroad is a different web service that allows you to download digital images, there will be certain amount of charge. Hope my answer was helpful! I really appreciate any opinion from you!


+ Gold tier will not have censoring on NSFW works! I thought receiving non censored version in PSD forms will be something new, but when I read some comments, some members might be uncomfortable with PSD files, so I decided to attach uncensored NSFW in PNG files when I post NSFW works! Thank you so much for your opinion! If you have any further concerns, please share it with me!


All the tier will be changed on Sep 1st. I would not say it will be changed on exactly at 12 AM because Patreon system does not support that. Thank you for asking!


+All the tier will be changed on Sep 1st. I would not say it will be changed on exactly at 12 AM because Patreon system does not support that. Thank you for asking!


That would be great and I hope I can play it in the US too. I'm sad I can't play so many of the games offered in Japan and the like. They look fun!


I know I would find it refreshing to see the PSD of NSFW works but I'm an artist and love seeing the process but that is my opinion. I wish it would stay as PSD. Thanks for listening.


Gumroad!!! Please do!! 😭 You'll make me soo happy!!! I support this idea been waiting for this ..... thanks so much!!!😘


Hrmm, I started pledging as Gold last month but I couldn't get it to go through! I wonder if it's because of the tier change? I was able to get it to work but it's still saying I'm not a patron! Just an FYI if anyone else might have problems today...


Gear, how are the 20 platinum decided for following months? I cannot this month, but would like to next month!