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Hi, this is Gearous.

I've been working on presenting a book to members who have been supporting me for three months.

This is the new book gift form (July Form) for members who became eligible in June! 

If you have already received the book, please do not fill out the form again.

Members who haven't received the invoice or haven't paid the invoice from the June form will need to fill out the July form so you can receive the book gift!

Here's the form link

I will have the form open from today (July 28) to August 6. I will not open the form again after August 6 and any patrons who were eligible but missed this form, will have to wait until the August form is sent.

Please do not share the link outside of Patreon page.

Here's an FAQ link if you have any questions

Thank you!



The link of the from can not opend. I joined on May and I didn't received link before. Should I fill the June from for the gift?


Thank you~


I send you a message about this ^^;


I became eligible last month but only just got your paypal invoice, which I paid. What does that mean now?


I have filled out multiple forms but received no paypal invoice. (I was trying to buy both books...) This was back in June. :(


Hi! thanks for the message, I think that's because the previous form was for members who became eligible on may >


Hi, Thank you for the message! If you became eligible on July, you will fill the form next month! (August form)


if you paid for the invoice, you will receive the book! I've been sending books I hope it arrives to your house soon, if you have further questions, please send mail to gearousmail@gmail.com Thank you!


Good night! It's stil possible for those who aren't Gold to buy 「婚約」? Or in August? Thank you!

Shin Rae Ah

Hello Gearous , i send a message to your mail , and I dont have response , I dont have an invoice yet ;-; its 31 and july is gone,,,please I fill the form

Shin Rae Ah

I was eligible the 1 june , ;-;


I have filled the forms but received no paypal invoice?I was eligible the 1 june:(


Gearous I sent an email to you, wanting to take some doubts ... Did not receive? ;-;


Hi Gear... I received an invoice and paid back in early June, but still haven't received my book. D: I sent an email...