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Hi, my greatest Patreon members! 

Thank you so much for always supporting me!

Book gift and online order for 「婚約」 is still going on, sorry if there was a delay in the process ><;;;  but you will get the book as soon as everything is resolved! Thank you so much for your patience and support!

Today, I want to discuss with my members about a very important idea that I've been thinking about...

I am thinking about creating more original!  As you can see above, this is characters from my original stories, and I've been wanting to share it with you! This is something I wanted to do from long time ago,  with your support, you have gave me enough strength and courage to do this! 

 I want to say thank you from my deepest heart.  

From September,  I'm planning on making a huge change to my Patreon page.  Rewards for each tier will be different from now.

 I will still draw fan arts, but along with that I will also share my original works, too! Including NSFW Live2D rewards just for my Patreon members. 

August will be the month that I will prepare for the new change to my Patreon page.

I planned very hard to come up with better rewards and systems so I really hope it works out! More details will be announced soon when it's all ready!

Thank you so much for your support and love, 

Hope you have great day!




OMG OMG!!! Thank you &lt;3


This is amazing as always! Thank you!


I love this! I'm really looking forward to more of your original art, and everything else you'll have in store for us in the future. Thank you so much, Gear!


기어상의 오리지널도 기대할께요!! 일단 둘다 취향입니다...아..진짜 너무 좋아여...공은 쫙 빼입고 수는 싹 벗기고...아 이쁘다.


seeing more original work would be lovely! &lt;3


I look forward to anything you produce. I will support you as long as I possibly can because I believe in your skills and original viewpoint. Thanks for the hard work.


yeah!I hope to see you more original, your work is very good, whether yuri or other, I will continue to support you!Thank you for bringing us such good works!


Sounds fantastic to me. 😁


I love this so much💕 And no matter what I will always support Gearous-San ( ◦`꒳´◦ )💕


Thank you... ❤️❤️❤️


Yay for more original art! 🎉


thats awesome! Thank you for ur work hard❤️❤️


I have been waiting for your original arts! This is perfect! Thank you for your hard works and consideration~ we will always support you ~


I WILL DO ANYTHING FOR THE LIVE NSFW!!!! I am glad to support you!!!!!!


I'm excited to see the changes!


Go ahead! I'm happy you're able to do what you love.


Love the original art. I'm looking forward to even more beautiful art from you.


Wow, each one of your artworks are amazing and such beautiful and I love all of them. Thanks so much for your hard work and for make my days. I'm glad to support you and I'll continue doing it ❤️


Also, I want to say I love love love the design of your OCs!!!! I can't wait to learn more about them!!!


Looking forward to seeing more art! :)




I'm so excited for your OCs, but I will miss all the Yuri On Ice art that I love so much.


Looks amazing, am excited*\(^o^)/*


I would love to see more of your original work. Keep going with this amazing art ❤️❤️❤️


Wow the characters look so cool, love it!


ohhhh mann for a second i thought it was an age swap victuuri but when i realized it was your own OC I got even more excited! Fanart is always wonderful. Getting to share your original art with us is something special! Look forward to the future =]


Wow !!! they are great! I immediately recognized the lens as your original art ... I LOVED IT!&gt;////


I can't wait for more OC!!!!


Definitely do it. I'm so fond of your work already and this just makes me so happy. This is great news, and I look forward to it!


We will always support your work!


Me too love your work

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-05 07:00:04 Please do original art! You know I like it haha. And the majority of your fans will definitely support it! &lt;3
2017-08-01 08:00:54 Please do original art! You know I like it haha. And the majority of your fans will definitely support it! <3

Please do original art! You know I like it haha. And the majority of your fans will definitely support it! <3