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 In order to distinguish the patron who already paid in June from the Parton who will fund in July, I will change EVERY POSTINGS posted on June into hidden or deleted. 

This process will take place on June 30th or the last day of each months. Please understand that this is to reward and distinguish the patrons by months to benefit patrons fairly. :)

Thank you .



Gear may I ask, I paid for June, & will pay for the next few months & hope to get your NSFW art book. Am I still capable or did I miss the deadline?


That is also my question. I really love them.


Please if possible can you leave them up for at least a couple more hours? I have not been able to save them yet


I was working last night and didn't get a chance to grab my June content. I know you are busy this weekend at AX but is there any way we can get a zip of the files for the month? Perhaps make a password protected download that only the paid members have access to the password?


I would love this as well! :( I've been pulling long days and completely missed out on saving out my rewards.


Yes I too didn't get to save the june rewards. :( :(