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Hi! This is Gearous!

I've sent everyone message with book gift form. I hope everyone who's eligible got the message or email! if you didn't get it OH NO ... PLEASE LET ME KNOW

Invoice will start from 21th June, at night time. Thank you so much for waiting!!! 

Please don't worry if you didn't get any invoice cause it will take few more days to process ><;;;

I also want to let you know that I have to print more books ><;;;

I really hope every process goes smoothly with the print company so that I can send books in time...!><;;; 

 Sorry about the inconvenience! Currently I can't respond to every email or comments...

If it's really really important like you have to change your information or address ...etc, please send mail to gearousmail@gmail.com with [IMPORTANT!] title on it. Also! don't forget to include your patreon name and email.

Thank you so much for your patience and support!!!!



I haven't received any message about the book form yet, but I have already pledged $90 as of the 1st of June.


Hi Gearous, I haven't receive email or message for the book gift form. Hope everything is doing ok. Thanks!


Thank you for letting me know !! I will send you a message right now! &gt;


I sent you a message!! Thank you for letting me know !!!!&gt;


Oh, gear, I'm sorry, 😭I may not receive the email last time I left. Could you please email me again at this 843391472@qq.com? 😥Or send me a message in paerton😘


Hi Gearous, I haven't receive email or message for the book gift form. Could you sent me again? Thank you so much! :)


Hi Gearous, I haven't receive email or message for the book gift form. I've started pledging in April 2017. Thank you! Hope to get your book soon!


Hi Gearous, so sorry to bother you. I haven't received any email or message abt the book gift form. I've started pledging in Mar2017. Hope everything's OK with you, I love your work!


Hey Gearous! I also haven't gotten an email or message and I've been a Gold pledger since February. Thanks!


Awww I subbed too late it seems. Would've totally loved to have gotten a book!


Hi, I only have the message of Online order for 「婚約」(Engaged), is it the same form? But if the book gift is another form, please send it to me once via message of patreon .


Hi,I have send a gmail for you. Title is IMPORTANT!


Hello! I have not received any mail to the mail of my Patreon, what should I do?


Hi Gearous, may I ask if the online order of the book "婚約"has been started? Or it has been closed already? I can only find the FQA about the online order... (;ω;)


I am still discussing about it I will send you respond as soon as possible. Thank you!


Hi Gear! I had gotten a message and form about the book but never got confirmation e-mail or invoice. Should I be worried or can you send again to confirm? I've pledged since April. antheafranco@gmail.com