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Guest: Annibale, Italian War Nerd

The War Nerd continues the incredible Italy series with guest "Annibale" — this is the second part in Italy's "Years of Lead" story, focusing on the revolutionary leftist group Red Brigades and the  tragic story of Italian center-left politician Aldo Moro, who was kidnapped by the Red Brigades, and eventually murdered by an impossible confederacy of intelligence agencies and interests . . . 

At 2:19:42 Ames and the War Nerd briefly discuss two current, developing war stories: The US-backed Saudi-UAE assault on the Yemeni port of Hodeidah, and famine as a weapon of war . . . And recent revelations that the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) — the western media's go-to "independent" source for Syria war death toll figures — is funded by the British Foreign Office . . . 

Total time: 2:48:19

Direct link to this episode's mp3 here 




First things first, great show as always. Annibale along with Carl Zha and Amal Saad are some of my all time favorite guests on the show. While I do believe that the criticism of Eliot Higgins is valid and has a lot of good points - I would argue that good work is being made on at least a few issues. Among other things, Bellingcat was instrumental in debunking that ridiculous Russian MoD claim about a Ukrainian SU-25 downing Malaysian Airlines Flight 17.

Jan Meyer

Regarding the German connection, i.e. the Feminist connected to the general: <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petra_Kelly;" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petra_Kelly;</a> She is one of the founders of the German Green Party and she and her partner, <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gert_Bastian," rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gert_Bastian,</a> committed murder-suicide in 1992.

Dark Alliance

Bellingcat is suspicious as hell and anything said by Bellingacat is questionable.

Mark Ames

Everyone and their dog knew Russian-backed separatists shot down that plane. I wrote about it hours after it happened, and I didn't need to be paid by the US weapons industry, NATO, and the Saudis to reach that obvious conclusion. <a href="https://pando.com/2014/07/17/five-things-to-consider-about-the-downing-of-malaysian-airlines-mh17-in-ukraine/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pando.com/2014/07/17/five-things-to-consider-about-the-downing-of-malaysian-airlines-mh17-in-ukraine/</a> Atlantic Council pays Higgins to keep that story in the news as if it's a great mystery requiring ace citizen-sleuths—and to hype up the alleged Russian "disinformation threat" posed by conspiracist propaganda about the Ukrainian Sukhoi tale—because this helps Higgins' paymasters advance their lobbying efforts.


La classe operaia va in paradiso

Dark Alliance

Does anyone know if Annibale has a website or written any books. I'm interested in his works.


How do I send RWN or the producers an email. I have an exciting interview hookup.


I remember reading that Moro's body was found exactly in between the headquarters of the Christian Democrat party and the Communist party. Aren't the headquarters of the Jesuits and the Masonic Order also nearby too?


I think the "exactly halfway" story got debunked in one of the more recent inquiries, but a lot of older sources refer to it so it sort of hangs around as a vague meme.


Vaguely related content 1) the History on Fire podcast has a two episode series on the Magliana Gang which talks about their links to Roman authorities, the Catholic Church, and some wild speculation about their role in the Moro assassination, it's not mostly about their rise and fall but covers a surprising amount of Moro content. Vaguely related content 2) The Guardian had an editorial last week blasting the Saudi/UAE offensive in Yemen and explicitly blaming Western complicity for the ongoing humanity crisis. They still genuflect to "but Iran" and "both sides are wrong" but it's one of the clearest opinion pieces I've seen in mainstream media.


Precisely. Via Caetani is much closer to via delle Botteghe Oscure (the former Communist party HQ)


This episode was so so goooood! Please can we have Annibale back soon about the Berlusconi era??


We hope to do that. It took us a long time to overcome Annibale's love of privacy, but now that we've got him going we hope to keep him talking.


Good for them. Glad to hear it. I'll check it out and we'll be sure to give them credit.


Thanks. It really is one of the most amazing stories of recent history. For some reason us Anglos don't get much news about Italy and I don't know why.


Can't wait to get more!


Oh, the P2 lodge. It was the closest we got to fascist supervillains.

Dark Alliance

Please appear more on the show. Those 4 episodes on Italy where amazing!


Does Annibale have any books or articles(regardless of language) on the infiltration of the Red Brigades(specifically Simioni, the Hyperion School, etc.) and the killing of Moro that go into the new information he provided?


Hello Andrew, there are many books written on the subject, in particular by Giovanni Fasanella, who was in the 2105 Parliament investigative commission. But it think the most comprehensive is this one, written by judge Rosario Priore, possibly the most authoritative judicial figure who has dealt with the Years of Lead https://www.unilibro.it/libro/de-prospo-silvano-priore-rosario/chi-manovrava-brigate-rosse-storia-misteri-dell-hyperion-parigi-scuola-lingue-centrale-terrorismo-internazionale/9788862201742