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Ladies and gentlemen; I give you Mirriam Amber ! 😏🤌🏻

Let me get it straight from the beginning; I loved chilling with this fine lady. She is such a lovely person and a MASSIVE geek, which I find super awesome! 😂 She is a total Star Wars freak and got various merch in her house, including tons of books from the universe, minor figures etc.  - and when I realized, I suggested we incorporated this fascination into some of the photos, because honestly; When you just look at her, you wouldn't have guessed right? 😅🤷🏻‍♂️

I was send there by M! Magazine and did this official set of photos - however, as things normally go there will be released a BONUS set in about 14 days + a behind the scenes video from the day. 🔥
The bonus set is a biiiit more NSFW because apparently M! Magazine wasn't interested in those for some reason.. 😅🤷🏻‍♂️ I find them very beautiful, but judge for yourself when that time comes. ☺️

If we look at the technical side of this shoot, it was all lit up by Nanlite Pavotubes, since the house was a bit dark and now very well lit. So what I do when I arrive there and we start shooting, is to turn all the lights off and turn on my own Pavotubes, because it gives me 100% freedom and a controlled environment to work with. 🤓
Shot on Canon R5 as most of my stuff are nowadays. 🤪

As always: Please feel free to ask away about whatever you want to know about this shoot! ☺️ Technical stuff, practical stuff, tips or tricks - or simply just let me know what you think. 🥳🙏🏻



Søren Nielsen

Endnu en portion fede billeder fra din hånd, og sikke dog en dejlig og naturlig kvinde 😍🫠


Ja hun har altså nogle former der er lidt vilde! 😁🙌🏻 Glæd dig til anden del også så.. 🥳


Hvilken skønhed du der viser os ! kanon gode billeder <3


Helt enig, Lars! 😁🙌🏻 D. 17 (mener jeg) udkommer en bonus serie med selv samme skønhed og denne består faktisk af flere billeder. 🥳