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Soooo, this one is in fact a bit intersting due to some technical reasons! 😁😱

At first, it might look like an ordinary or normal shoot, like I've done multiply times before, but the story behind it says otherwise. ☺️ The beauty is my good ol' friend Melanie - and she's definitely no stranger to this channel. 🤪  It was all done, because I had to test out a technique, which I'm going to use on another shoot very soon - and because that one is a bit more complex I had to make sure everything will work out as planned.

As you can see in this minor behind the scenes video , I used some vaseline on the camera lens to achieve a 'dreamy' or a 'blurry look' on the edges for instance, on some of the photos (the first ones).
Because this was a test, it didn't work out totally as intended, but well enough for me to keep it visible to a lower degree. 🤓

The first four photos (tho close ups) are all shot with the Canon R5 and the Canon 24-105 mm f./2.8 L USM III lens, but with some transparent foil in front of the lens, which had the vaseline attached.
The colored one doesn't have that same effect.

I removed the foil when we changed the setting and I had tested what I needed to. There was no real plan but to do the first setting, but because we worked faster than expected, we did the colored photos too - hope you like them as well. 😁

As always: Please feel free to ask away about whatever you want to know about this shoot! ☺️ Technical stuff, practical stuff, tips or tricks - or simply just let me know what you think. 🥳🙏🏻



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