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I have some bittersweet news to share with y’all! Nothing urgent for you to know, just about my photography and patreon photographers, if you’re interested in that :’)

As you probably know I’ve been consistently working with ShutterOwl for my professional/Patreon photos for awhile now! I started hiring him for edits-only during the pandemic, then we started shooting together sometimes (while also becoming great friends!) and after a bit we formed a collaborative monthly contract for shooting together regularly since last Summer! It was working great for us both, but he just got hired at a new full time job (and I’m super happy for him!) but it means he will no longer have time to be my main photographer and thus had to end our contact this month, and I have to find replacement(s) and figure things out moving forward for me.

I’m sorry to those who’ve loved our work together, BUT I’m sure we’ll still be able to fit in the occasional shoot together! Plus it means revisiting some other photographers I’ve worked with before who you may remember and enjoy the work of too! One that comes to mind in particular is Gaunted Photography and I think a lot of you will be happy to know we’ll be shooting a lot more together soon! I actually have a huge shoot tomorrow with him and I also have something cooking for early June with a different new photographer I’ve loved the work of for awhile for a fun cosplay set!! So, stay tuned 🥰

Because of this sudden change and no longer being able to work with just 1 photographer, I may need some extra time to get my footing with that and getting into the swing of these changes in my patreon shooting and definitely my scheduling. Hopefully I find something that works and it just means bringing y’all even more variety and continuing to bring more high quality sets for you to enjoy!

xx thanks all so much for your ongoing support, it means everything! 💖




Best of luck with the new/old photographers! I'm sure the work will continue to be just as amazing as always and I hope it goes smoothly for you getting it all ironed out!


Shutterowl you were badass! Hope to see him with a set he shoots here n there!

Richard Davidson

Thats fantastic for Shutterowl but exploring different and new photographers can give a new fresh take on sets to all in all i am sure it will be great for everyone in the end. Like you said its a case of adapting and finding a new routine that works for all even if it means sets are spread further into the month if needed i am sure none of us would mind. Also wish Shutterowl all the best for the future and well done to him 🥰

Jo (ending)

good luck for you both with the new situation. I'm sure you'll find some great photographers to create epic sets in the future. btw I have that pic as a print here hanging in front of me 🤭

Wayne Hooter

If it's one thing the pandemic taught us is that change is a part of life. Let's hope this is an amazing change for everyone. I will support you no matter what, Lux. 💖