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Hi guys!! I wanted to give you an update on my cosplay plans for this year!! They may not all happen, but these are the goals right now. I'd love to know which ones you're most excited for!

  • Aphrodite from Lore Olympus: (using aspects of Hannah Alexander's design as pictured!) is probably the first new cosplay of the new year! I just started it last week and was really inspired to have it finished by Valentine's day, since it'd just be so fitting 🥰 I don't know if that will actually happen since my January is so crazy, but we'll see
  • Yennefer (DLC version) from The Witcher 3: This one I started forever ago and then got sidetracked with other projects! I recently picked it up again and it's actually really close to completing, and I've already begun planning ideas for her cosplay and boudoir shoots with shutterowl 😊
  • Jessie from Final Fantasy 7: Another FF7 I wanna do because her design is just so cute! plus I love the armor parts! I plan to start this one probably after Aphrodite and Yennefer are out of the way.
  • Jinx from Arcane: Been planning this one for awhile! I commissioned the wig forever ago but it keeps getting delayed. But I have lots to finish before then so it's ok. But this should be a fun one!!
  • Blaidd from Elden Ring: this one may surprise you. IT SURPRISED MYSELF as it may be totally out of my wheelhouse and I don't even know if it will be possible for me to make, but I'm adding it the list as my next big passion project. I am already super overwhelmed by even the idea of it but I want to take my time with it if I can do it. I love Elden Ring and the souls series SO MUCH, and absolutely love Blaidd's design, so it just felt right that as a personal project I would take a stab at this and try it for my next big passion build. It will probably be worked on very slowly over a long period in between other smaller projects.
  • Yuna and Rikku from Final Fantasy: these are carried over from my last cosplay plan updates. They have unfortunately been super delayed from worldwide shipping issues due to covid, but I heard good news about them a couple months ago so my fingers are crossed they can be done in 2023!

Thank you so much for being here and helping these projects come to life!! your support means the world!



Andrew Kranak

Looking forward to Yuna and Rikku!


Rikku and Yuna the most. But all will be great.