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⭐TL/DR: Starting in January 2023, the reward/photoset delivery method is changing. Rewards previously have always been delivered on the 1st of the following month via patreon mass message to your inbox. Future rewards, starting with January 2023, will be posted directly to the patreon feed during that month. For example, January rewards will be posted DURING JANUARY to the patreon feed as a post. The posts will also include a link to the Google Drive folders so you can download the high quality versions the same way as before. Both the posts and the Drive links will expire at the end of the month. So please download sets before the end of the month and before altering your subscription :)


Hi everyone,

Sorry in advance this post will be kinda long, but I just want to be as transparent with you all as possible and explain the changes the best I can! As a lot of you already know, I've been having issues with the reward/photoset delivery for way too long due to some Patreon technical issues and some of their, to be quite honest, awful site updates. Many patrons have been getting missed from the "patron relationship manager" that I use to send out the mass inbox messages for monthly rewards ever since they updated it over a year ago. 

After going back and forth for awhile once more with a patreon support agent, they aren't really able to solve the issue and instead I will just have to make some changes that will hopefully be better for you all moving forward. They were at least able to explain WHY people weren't getting their reward messages. The patron relationship manager is quite limited, and though I would filter to select all the people from a certain month, certain tier or certain payment amount, it basically was not including anyone who adjusted their pledge at all or downgraded from the full amount before the 1st of the following month (even though it was unclear to me that they weren't being included!) The agent's suggested solution was for me to ask everyone to not alter or downgrade their pledge before I send out rewards on the 1st.. and I obviously didn't want to do this because it's unfair to force folks to get charged for 2 months if they might only want 1 or want to decide later for the next month.. This really upset me, because patreon has always described it like patrons CAN downgrade their pledge before the next month and still receive all rewards and I think it's awful to not allow anyone to downgrade or cancel their pledge before being auto-charged for the next month, in case they only wanted specific rewards or don't know if they can afford the next month yet. So I want to be able to keep this option available. 

But at least we now know what prevented some patrons from getting the reward message, and the new changes will hopefully make it much more simple and clear when you do or don't have access to rewards, how to get them, and still have the ability to cancel or downgrade your pledge before the 1st of the next month or their auto-renew date.

So! Rewards previously have always been delivered on the 1st of the following month via patreon mass message to your inbox. Future rewards, starting with January 2023, will be posted directly to the patreon feed during that month. For example, January rewards will be posted DURING JANUARY to the patreon feed as a post. I will aim to post all sets within the first week of the month. (I'm human and sometimes life gets in the way or things come up, so if a set will ever be quite late I will update you. But it should generally always be within the first week!) If you have email updates turned on for my post updates here, you should get an email notification when the sets goes up if you're in that tier :) You must be pledged to the specific tier to get access to the post. For example, to get January Tier 2 sets, just make sure to be pledged to "Tier 2 (Spice!)" and that your pledge is connected to that tier. The posts will also include links to the Google Drive folders in the descriptions, so you can download the high quality versions the same way as before. Both the posts and the Drive links will expire at the end of the month. So please download sets before the end of the month (I recommend as soon as possible so you don't forget) and before altering your subscription so that you don't miss out on any rewards :) After receiving and downloading ALL your month's rewards, feel free to adjust your pledge in anyway: cancel or downgrade to a lower tier before your auto-renew date, or leave it as is if you're happy there :)

👻How this affects Tier 3/SNAPCHAT TIER: Snapchat access and signup will remain the same as usual! But "SC highlights" will change since unfortunately it's quite impossible for me to send out the month of snapchat content at the start of the month that they're still being taken, so snapchat highlights folders will have to become staggered. For example, January Tier 3 patrons will get access to the actual snapchat app as usual via survey signup, and also get access to the patron feed post for DECEMBER SC highlights posted during the first week of January. (January snapchat highlights will be posted within first week of February, and so on.) You actually technically get more content per month this way, so consider it a thank you for supporting me at such a high tier!


  • December rewards will be sent out the old way: On January 1st, I will send out the December sets to patrons inboxes. If you do not receive them by January 3rd, please DM me and I'll send them to you! 
  • If you downgraded, cancelled, or upgraded the difference of your pledge during December, you can expect to not receive the December rewards on Jan 1st because the patron manager has unfortunately been missing these patrons. Please just DM me and I will send them to you manually as soon as I can!
  • January rewards will be posted directly to the feed in January for respective tiers, and will be available on the feed until the end of the month
  • Please download rewards as soon as possible before they expire at the end of the month and so you don't forget, and make sure to do so before downgrading or cancelling your pledge so you don't miss any rewards :)
  • Since snapchat highlights were sent out the same way as sets before, they will be sent out the same new way; as a separate post to the feed with
  • "Snapchat highlights folders" will become staggered posts. example, December highlights will be posted for Tier 3 within first week of January, January highlights will be posted for Tier 3 within first week of February, and so on.
  • If you need any help, as always, you can shoot me a DM!

Thank you SO MUCH for being so understanding, supportive and AMAZING to me!

I hope this new method of rewards delivery will be easier and more reliable for you all! Thanks so much for supporting me here 💕 I'm looking forward to so many new creations to share with you in 2023!!



Uncreative Name

Shame that patreon still wont revert this new backend system. Its been trouble since they introduced it. Glad to see your finding your workaround to make everything work.

Andrew Kranak

I was not aware that Patreon was having these specific types of issues, and I am definitely the type of person that has been part of this headache for you. 😧 Your new approach makes a lot of sense. My initial worry was not having enough time at the end of the month, especially if I am away from home, but that was quickly solved by you saying they would be made available early in the month. Good ideas, excellent communication, great content. That is why all of us are here. 😄


yes I just have to do some arranging and try my best to have sets totally done and ready to go by early in the month! I usually work ahead of time anyway so it shouldn't be an issue :') I hope this works better for everyone 😊