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Hi guys! I wanted to let you know I'll be away on vacation from June 15-July 4. 🌞

June's rewards will be sent out to patron's inboxes sometime during the first week of July instead of on July 1st. I'll have the July snapchat survey queued to post on July 1st as usual and will get to adds a couple days after, likely at the same time as sending out June rewards. I will not be checking my inbox during my vacation and will get back to your DM's when I get the chance after I'm back!

If you have any questions let me know! 💛

If you're curious I will be going to a convention (my first back since over 2 years when covid started) and then going to ITALY immediately after! colour me fuckin HYPED!!😊


Richard Davidson

Ooooh i missed out on the first con near me to go see friends instead enjoy your first con back post covid 😁. Italy is another country on my bucket list so hope you enjoy yourself would love to hear what its like when you are back. Enjoy your much deserved break 💗