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I've been working on my Tifa Honey Bee Inn cosplay here and there! Enjoy this weird mashup of me trying WIP pieces on in my pajamas XD The main challenge I'm having right now is keeping the tail/thorax?butt?abdomen? held on.... I've tried several failed ways already ughhh, currently have something that's *sorta* working but it's still not great. Hopefully in  photoshop it can all come together ok for the photoset though! I'm really looking forward to shooting this and a boudoir version of Tifa soon after I finish! ๐Ÿ–ค I'll probably wait til at least one of these sets are fully shot/edited to release full cosplay Tifa together with it :)




Are you doing Crisis Core Tifa next?

Tinman Ofoz

Cool! I had no idea who the Bee-Girl was from the previous photo. I know who Tifa is but I haven't played the game so I'm not familiar with the variants.