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👻 Snapchat check in!👻 If you're in the snap tier, make sure that you've completed the Feb survey! Always try to do it asap if you can <3 I just finished adding everyone who's filled it out, but as always anyone can upgrade their pledge and join throughout the month too! Everyone in that tier at the end of the month also gets a Drive folder filled with highlights from my snap that month- usually 40-60 sexy photos! My snap is where I share a lot of my spiciest content so come join the fun 💦💖

PS in these pics I'm actually wearing the new bra I got for my Cindy cosplay!! thanks to those on Discord who helped me pick one haha!

<3 Luxlo




Thanks! I'd completely forgotten to do it! 🙊


Tom, it’s done every month even if you’re in the tier each month. Luxlo has to add new people &amp; delete ones who drop out of this tier. It’s the easiest way for her to keep track of who “actually” still belongs/or should be on her snap friends list for each month. Hope that helps.