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Thank you to the person who got me this cute white panty off my wishlist! I have a range of things on there and since it's Christmas this month & my birthday next month I've had a more of you asking for my wishlist link again. It's here! <3


Thank you SO much to anyone who buys something from it, but the wishlist is totally not obligatory at all! Just subscribing to my Patreon is like a Christmas gift to me too! 😊 (if you do get something, pls leave your name/patreon name/IG handle so I can thank you!!)

ALSOoooo today my Arda haul came in! I bought a lot during their holiday sale. 🙀

I got more foam since I'm currently into my Katsu crafting and usually wait til I run out to buy more which is annoying having to wait when I wanna craft xD Then I bought wigs for daphne/mj, supergirl, a new dark boudoir look I'm shooting soon, Shamir, and Joker for Jesse! Hopefully it's mostly just the Shamir & Joker wigs that need most styling. I might dig into the Shamir one today~




So much loot!


You look beautiful!!💚💜