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Supergirl cos-test here!! So one of my top patrons from the "choose which character I cosplay" tier recently picked Supergirl <3 Here's the first look at the cosplay I got, which needs some minor alterations, then I'll need to get and style her wig and waiting for my boots to come in, then I can do a fun superhero shoot in my city :)




Since they’re your favs, here’s to you getting to do more of your favs like animal ear/tail boudoir and other boudoirs. Also, if I had the extra money I’d definitely pay to see you in these cosplays, but I’ll mention them anyway as far a video game cosplays. You would definitely make an incredible Teiris and/or Junon from the classic Dragon Force game. Teiris if you were feeling more girly, and Junon if you wanted something less girly.

Andrew Kranak

Supergirl seems like a different choice for you, but you do look great as her. And I do love this color scheme for her outfit.