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As we get closer and closer to my current goal of reaching 300 patreon members (almost there!!) I decided to add a new mini-goal for after we hit that! 

This mini-goal is to reach 320 patrons, and once we do I will celebrate by cosplaying this badass babe from Fire Emblem 3 Houses, Shamir <3 I will do a cosplay and boudoir (possibly implied?) version of her! Let's make it happen 🔥🔥 

And of course once we reach 300 patrons, I'm celebrating by putting a poll up for you guys to vote a new outfit for me to shoot, giving extra photos of it to all tiers, and giving a bonus print out to physical tiers :)

And as always, thank you so so much to my patreon fam, I really couldn't be doing all I do without you guys ❤
