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So guys I just noticed we are the closest we've been yet to reaching my next big Patreon goal!! To reach 300 patreon members- currently at 283! that's amazing! <3

I have a question! So as I've mentioned, once we hit 300 I'm giving you guys a poll to vote for your choice of an awesome lingerie set for me to get/shoot!! So I'm wondering, should I put this poll up NOW so there's something concrete to look forward to when we hit 300, or should I wait til 300 to make the poll?!

Also the full photoset would be shared to regular digital boudoir tier but because of the goal reached I'll share a few extra high res photos with all tiers!! I will also give a free bonus print out to all digital tiers when we hit the goal, and maybe another poll to for next cosplay I'll shoot or something! Anyway I'm excited and so happy to have all you here supporting this, I literally couldn't do it without you! 💕


PS here's a teaser from a cute summer fashion set I'm dropping next month 😸




I agree, it would be better to wait.

Andrew Kranak

Waiting seems fine. Then everyone involved can be part of the poll.


That's a good point!! I wanna wait even more now to make sure everyone who helped get to 300 can vote too :)