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An extended video of me eating, belching, and going over my stagnancy when it comes to content creation. But we’re back to your regularly scheduled programming 😈😈😈

Also hit 260 🤤

Link to post containing password: https://www.patreon.com/posts/75564406?utm_campaign=postshare_creator


Video Jul 08 2023, 2 22 04 PM.mp4

Shared with Dropbox



Fuck yeah! Well said, big guy; I completely agree with every word you said here. This is about letting loose the full hunger of your inner fatboy to see how massive he really wants you to be. Let’s get you deep into the 300s and beyond…


Honestly 300 by January 1st doesn’t sound too impossible. 40 lbs in about six months is a lot but definitely doable. That should be your goal. Then you can try for 400 🥵