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  So as I've mentioned twice now in the 'Thank You' updates, my new little start up is an Amazon business. I officially launched one of my products a few days ago, and THE most important part of getting it off the ground is getting reviews for it. Amazingly, just as I launched my product, Amazon changed it's policies. Now I can't offer it at a discount for you all, in exchange for a review. You'd have to pay full price, and then review it. So that totally sucks and it will make it harder for little guys like me to get off the ground. 

  So that's why I need you all now, more than ever. I put a lot of money into starting this business because I really think it can go somewhere and I'm hoping the income from this  and YouTube will allow me to quit my day job at some point. I would rather the 20+ of you do this for me than your Patreon contributions, that's how well I know this can do if I get some help to start off. 

  So here's the product, they're memory foam pads for office task chairs. Like I said, a generic product, but they're pretty sweet I've been using them since I got them. Right now I have them on sale at $25. If you guys could buy them, and put up a good review, that would help a lot. IF, you really cannot buy them or obviously don't want to, I'd be more than willing to reimburse you, or take a video request, or whatever! 

   Message me anywhere (email preferably) if you are willing to help out and I will send you a link! Thank you all for everything so far. You've all been wonderful. 




How can I find the product? Can you post me the link Ryan? Thanks!


Hi Ryan, so sorry keep meaning to ask about this. I'm assuming this won't be on Amazon UK? I could buy it for another patreon supporter (or yourself) if it gets added to an Amazon wishlist and you send me a link? Don't really want to attempt shipping something to the UK you see, but I'm happy to help.