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  The Holidays are fast approaching and I think it's time we get another spicy question & answers going. Especially because I've noticed a lot of you have recently joined since the 30 Platinums Part 2 video. Thank you so much!

  I know you're all wondering a thing or two - so whether it's games, YouTube, personal life, cats, or whatever! Submit some questions below and I'll record the answers the following week. You can either write them down below or you're welcome to email them to: MysticRyan@Gmail.com

  Stay frosty my friends. I love you all. 




Hey Ryan have you ever started a game on your main account and while playing it thought this is boring, tedious and made you question what are you still doing on this game ? And in the end still went for the platinum ? Mine was assassins creed Valhalla put 150h into the game


Hey Ryan what game you bought thinking was good but when playing it was boring?


Hey Ryan, what are your long term plans for life? Do you still want to do YouTube 10 years down the road? Would you like to get married and start a family or rather not have that type of commitment? I know you've mentioned moving, where would you like to move to?


Hey Ryan what made you a PlayStation fan like whats the big reasons that your like nope I'm only PlayStation and not Xbox or Nintendo. Just wondering keep up the good work I admire your dedication.


Hey Ryan, what do you when you’re not playing PlayStation/ making videos?


Hey Ryan, im what foreign country you would like to travel after the pandemic?


Hey Ryan, what are your favorite and least favorite Playstation first party studios?

Adam Razak

Hey, Ryan! What are some of your all-time favorite soundtracks from PlayStation's library of exclusives? Mine would be Astro's Playroom, Bloodborne, Shadow of the Colossus, and the God of War series.


Dear Ryan (since all the other questions said Hey Ryan lol) I just wanna say thank you so much cuz I found your channel since I've gotten my PS5 in December of last year and honestly, you're been super helpful in terms of just covering general PlayStation news and whenever you do upload, I just get so much dopamine about what the video is, whenever it would be about news or whatever you're cooking up for Tuesdays. Even on days that are difficult, I can still count on you and your videos to make the day less difficult. Much love man, seriously! 1. What moment has made you emotional when it comes to playing games over the years? It can be a past or recent moment if that helps. 2. Would you consider doing documentaries on particular PlayStation acquired or affiliated studios? I think it would be a nice retrospective considering how many iconic video game characters are from those studios, like Spyro, Kratos, Nathan Drake, Sly, etc.


Hey Ryan, would you ever consider doing a gaming podcast alongside the channel if you had a bit more time? I think your video where you interviewed members of the PSOne team was great and would love to hear more of these conversations. Some sort of series with you chatting to dev team members that worked on your favorite games would be very cool. As always, keep up the great work!!


Holy Christmas do I have impeccable timing or what 😂 feel free to share why (refer to my last Patreon DM) I have two questions First, I know you don't care about Harry Potter games especially when I saw your reaction to playing Book of Spells. However would you give Hogwarts Legacy a try. I imagine it would be a combination of Mad Max and Elder Scrolls with a Harry Potter theme obviously. I don't know if you like those genres. Let us know what your thoughts are. Second, How are Tyrell's twins doing? Are you the God Father to either of them since you have been his friend since you were kids?


Hey Ryan, love the channel. Interested to know if there any collection goals (e.g. completing all the games in a particular series) or holy grail items (e.g. getting some of the more expensive PS2 games like Rule of Rose or Kuon) you're working towards? And do you catalogue your buys (e.g. in price charting, in a spreadsheet etc)? And lastly, what are you favourite non-US and Japanese developers?


A few questions 1. Have you ever been to the uk before? 2. What is your least favourite Playstation Exclusive? 3. What was your first platinum?


Hey Ryan, I hope that you are having a great day when you happen to read this. My question, What has been your favorite game to play on everyone of Playstation Consoles (PS1 to PS5 and PS Portable and PS Vita)? Happy Holidays.


What's your game of the year? Also what game would you most want to see brought back in remake form from PS owned IP? Happy holidays!


QnA time is good time. Rats or Cats? Any games coming out that you think might be a major timesink for you? I know you're pro-electric cars (rightfully) but how about self-driving cars? Have you given them much thought? Your Tesla doesn't have that feature, right? Hope you and your loved ones have a great holiday season :)


Hey Ryan! Happy Holidays from SK Canada. Looking forward to the vid, thanks for making awesome content! 1. What are some of your holiday traditions this time of year? Christmas or New Year's? 2. Are there any specific games or even genre's you typically play over holidays when life slows down for a bit? 3. Finally, are you at all a hockey fan? Randomly, I became a massive NJ Devils fan during the Marty era and wondered if we were rival fans 😈 Cheers!


Hey Ryan. 1. What do you expect from a possible PSVR2 reveal next year? (Games, hardware, studios?). 2. Also do you have specific method you take when buying games for your collection? Recently I’ve been getting variants of my favorite games. Thanks


Hey Ryan! I have a question about the state of gaming. It seems that we’ve reached a new normal of unfinished AAA games being released at the dismay of their core fans. Call of Duty: Vanguard, Halo Infinite, Battlefield, Cyberpunk, the list goes on. This seems to be a huge problem and is bringing chaos to a lot of gaming communities. Have you thought about this much and could you weigh in on why this has become a trend? Thanks!


Hi Ryan, I sent you an email with the question. I’m bothering you here too because sometimes Google likes to put emails coming from our server into the spam folder for no reason.


Hello Ryan! Here are some questions from the Netherlands.. :-) 1. I was wondering, when you do a trophy challenge, and there is no trophy that needs a specific difficulty, do you then play on easy or do you need the challenge and play on hard. (I notice that now I get older (48! djeeeezz) I tend to put games into storymode sometimes). 2. What are your thoughts about JRPG's what are your favorites? or do you dislike them? I have been playing JRPG's since the 80's and I love them). 3. Not really a question but more an observation, thank you for making the kind of video's that you do without the Clickbaity titles or Thumbnails. I just know when I take 15 to 20 minutes to check out your friday let's talk playstation show I am up to speed with everything Playstation. Thanks so much for that! and ofcourse.. Have the best christmas ever!


Hey Ryan. My question is would you consider making a top ten favorite games list for each PlayStation Console?


Hi Rayn, I hope you can answer some of the following questions if you find them interesting: 1- When and where do you think we will see PSVR2 and the new PS+? any thoughts on pricing? 2- Any predictions for Sony's acquisition? how about Iron galaxy with Adam Boyes there? 3- With Sony patented DS4 controller designed for mobile gaming and rumored PS+ having PS2 PS2 & PSP; could we see emulated classic games on mobile? Or is there any chance the patent for a PS4 portable? (no mention of phones in the patent as far as I understand)_ 4-Do you have any idea what do leakers get from sharing info? money? fame?? Thank you for all the cool content!


1. How often do you get recognized in public? 2. When do you plan on moving? 3. Do you play on PC and if so, what games?


Hey Ryan! Love your videos. While going for a platinum, did you think you were wasting your time? Besides the 30 days challenge.


Hey, couple questions (sorry if they've been asked before) - 1) Out of the mystery ebay purchases what have been the best / rarest games that surprised you. 2) Are there any items you really want in your collection but have trouble finding? Thanks for all the content.


what do you do for work?


Hi Ryan, 1.- can we be friends on PlayStation network? 2.- what products or treatment have you used for the receding hairline problem as i could use some help on that department And last but not least Do you have a girlfriend?


When will Melissa finally host an episode of LTPS? Room tour?


Do you do much cooking? What are some go-to dishes you can make really well? When you used to work as a line cook what were some of your responsibilities?


As someone who has always treasured gaming as my main hobby, I always wondered how content creators are able to separate work and leisure when they bleed into the same thing. I always imagined it could be difficult for me to enjoy my hobby sometimes when I had to play a certain way or to have to keep an audience in mind as I rolled the camera while I played. Was there ever a moment you came close to burning out on gaming for YouTube? Or came close to calling it quits on the videos? If so, how do you overcome those moments? I can tell you put a lot of work into making videos, and as a viewer I appreciate it!


Yoo playah! Not really a question but got any tips for new beginning collectors of Playstation?


Hey Ryan, newer patron here so apologies if it's been asked before, but I've been curious on what the FIRST video game you ever played was?


what music are you listening to these days? any specific artists / albums / genres that stick out atm?


I have a couple of questions 1. How many platinums do you want to have by the end of 2022? 2. What's the rarest game that you have? 3. What's a great game that would probably take two days to platinum and is a ps4 game?


Do you have any favorite PS1 games, and if Yes, which ones?


If you only could play 1 one game from each playstation console for the rest of your life, what would it be ?


What's on your Christmas List? E.g. if you could have any computer game, which one would it be?