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First up, new food review. You can find the link here:


Check it out mang, its a goodn'. Anyway its been a few days since Shoe Vlog, and awhile since a good post just talking about things. So I thought we should do that for now. Because talking is good. It's good for the soul. That's what they say right? I think so. But either way lets do it. 

  We just did LTPS 200. I always say 'we' instead of 'me' because it wouldn't be much of anything if there wasn't people there watching and being apart of the conversation. When I started 'Let's Talk PlayStation' I wasn't entirely sure where it would go or how many I would do. It was just an idea for a crappy YouTube show. Like most crappy things, they sometimes go somewhere and stop being crappy! 

  It's still bizarre to me that we've done 200 of them. And in the grand scheme of things, it's not like its super successful. A few thousands views, sometimes they get into the 10,000's. Something I'm always thrilled with, but always considered small in the big world of YouTube. But even then, comparisons aside, THOUSANDS of people watch. And that's crazy as dicks. So thank you. Even more so to you all here who actually want to support my living via the show and the stuff I do. That's always dope.

 Other than that I don't got much else for you right now. Like I said in the shoe vlog, your support actually helped me financially with something I didn't ask for. A broken windshield. These are the kind of things life throws at you sometimes and you guys help me easily breeze past it. That's just sweet. So I want to keep thanking you all for doing that. I guess lastly I'll just say that I'm behind on a few things. Namely 'Ryan on Gaming' videos and filming the February/March 'thank you' videos. And a few of you I owe some rewards. So expect those soon!

 Oh wait and one more thing. I might be retooling and simplifying the Patreon rewards I've listed. It seems a lot don't take advantage of the perks or even want them, and I added too many tiers to look fancy anyway. So I'll probably clean that up a bit but I'll get a hold of anyway just to make sure if you still want some of the things and such. It's a whole process, we'll figure it out. You and me, we're cool like that. Anyway, thanks!



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