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  First up, your behind the scenes pictures is a super old shot of me doing my Young & Reckless promotion job. They periodically send us stickers to slap around town. You take pictures, you report back. Look at me being such a hoodlum.  

 Anyway, I don't have much going on right now except that I'm super swamped as usual. The shoe vlog will be coming soon though! So get hyped. And then there's another separate vlog coming where I'll show you the fish tanks I finally set up. I finally got around to moving those things into the new place, and stocking them with new live creatures. Exciting stuff, trust me.

  Other than that, you may have noticed I was on the Weapon Wheel podcast with BrokenGamezHD. That's the first 'collab' type thing I've ever done. So that was fun, you can watch it here if you like: 


  Gotta do shit like that more often. Working and personal time are hard to manage so we were actually trying to do that podcast for awhile. Finally got the time to join them for an episode. Will try to do another soon!

  Also, I'm gonna be recording more God of War soon, and after the overwhelming positive reaction to using a facecam for the first time on the 100 Platinums videos, I'll be using facecam from here on out, indefinitely. Will be kind of a pain but with the current set up but it's not the end of the world. So hopefully you all will finally enjoy that after asking for so long. That will start with Part 4. 

 Anyway, as usual, I love you all. And if you have any concerns, questions, or wanna talk, hit up the email: MysticRyan@gmail.com.  Thank you and keep doing cool shit. You cool person, you. 




Love the facecam, grt stuff bro!