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  HI EVERYONE!!! Sorry for the lack of updating. But I'm ready to go Oprah on your asses. Here's a picture of the new shelf I bought for my collection of games. It's rated to hold 500 DVD's. So now that I have it up I've quickly realized just how little my collection actually was. Disappointing I know, I had to fill it with a lot of knick knacks and stuff. 

  I really thought I had a lot but this shelf has proved me wrong. How's everyone been? My move is pretty much complete. I have my room done pretty much the way I want and it looks fucking awesome. Definitely gave it the "I'm an adult, but still a gamer" vibe. Modern, yet nerdy. Just the way I like it. I'll film a video for you all soon. And by 'you all' I mean just you guys, the PATRONS. THAT'S RIGHT, PATREON EXCLUSIVE YA'LL! The rest will have to wait for a tour once I decide to do a higher production one. So basically you'll be getting the quick low budget one. Aren't I the best?

  No but seriously thanks for the cool support and giving me some time. I've been swamped with work, keeping videos going, and doing this move. So as always you're the bees knees. Also, I see there's even more of you joining! Almost at $300 a month, that's pretty awesome. Definitely helps with the whole 'living' thing. Helps me buy food and pay bills. Thank you all again so much! As always, let me know if you need anything, wanna talk, or whatever. All that jazz, you know what it is. I still have to add a few of you on PSN, and arrange stuff. I'll catch up!

   FYI, I never proof read these because I'm usually in a hurry. Or I'm just lazy. If there's a spelling error, that's why. So dont g0 cracy if somthing is mesed up.




Having nick nacks on your shelves is always good I think :) also, having some space left over is good for when you're adding new things to the collection ;)


Awesome setup!!! And congrats on the safe move!!! Hilarious ending xD


Seems to be a BIG step in terms of interior design from the last apartment to the new one. Cool!


start collecting for playstation 1 system nostalgia overplowed plus most of the developers are way open to fans now you can add some of them on facebook that created your favorite game