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  Son of a bitch! This happens like every 1-2 months. So really it's happened again right on time like it should. It can't take a year vacation or anything like that, nope. Just every month or so I do this. And it's bad, to the point where it hurts talking. Which makes doing the videos 10x harder because all I do in my videos is talk. Naturally this is one of very few moments where I wish my channel was about miming instead of gaming. Anyway, I digress.

  It seems like I'm posting these weekly. That's pretty cool so far. Will likely do these more often, likely in shorter capacity. Gotta even it out a little bit you feel me? (I hope you do). Right now I'm feeling good. Was in a not-gaming funk the last few months of 2015 but I've got the fever. Plowed through GTA III, Vice City, Until Dawn, and Uncharted 3. And ready to jump into San Andreas, Need for Speed, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, and more. 

  I mean really there's just so much in my backlog but I'm determined to get it down. And get my total trophy completion rate to 90%. I guess you can say that's my new years resolution. Anyway what have you all been playing? Right now I listed the games I wanna get to playing but I also have Metro: Redux, Wolfenstein: The Old Blood, Far Cry 4 and Minecraft: Story Mod waiting on standby. Might want to snag the Old Hunters DLC for Bloodborne too. 

  Could any of you loan me some time to play all this shit? Because I'm seriously going to need it. 




Happy to hear you are excited about playing games again. I was just goingn trough the same fase where i didn't want to play anything. But then i decided i should buy the mass effect series so know it has its hooks in me and i love it


I'm currently playing rainbow 6 siege with my friends, absolutely amazing! Also been playing GTA Online which has been fun. I still have to get the platinum in AC:S and got the entire Witcher 3 and Bloodborn still waiting for me. (Bought Bloodborn on release day :s) I'm currently hyped for ME Andromeda! And the Rachet and Clank reboot. And having a Love/hate relationship about the AC movie.... Absolute blind fanboy of the series 100%. But a movie.... Also what a sexy photo man :p


I have to complete about 10 AAA-games (thanks to winter sales and indies not included) in my backlog and I want the platinum of 6-7 of these. Ratchet and Clank is my favourite franchise, so I preordered the new one (remake) and will preorder the new one, too. And shame on me. I don't have the platinums of the old Ratchets because I started trophy hunting with the PS4. So a lot of "work" for me to platinum at least some of the PS3 hits from time to time.


Beaten Fallout 4 (the story anyway), been playing Borderlands 1 and 2, and hopefully pick up where I left off on Sly 2. Also been jumping back to Fallout New Vegas and plan on getting that Mass Effect trilogy soon! I don't know why since time is not something I have to play all of 'em. P.s. rinse that bite out with good ol' warm water and salt. I bite myself (though usually it's the inside of my cheek) too and that helps a whole lot.


Kodak moment lol


Oh no, not again! I'm playing Arkham Knight right now, I just bought the premium edition on psn and I want to 100% it.