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  It's been YEARS since I last did a Patreon Q&A, so I think it's about time we do another one of these. If you've got any questions, let me know! Whether it's about the games industry, personal interests, other hobbies, or whatever! You can write them down below, or email them to 'MysticRyan@Gmail.com' and I'll answer them all in a video I'll upload for here! 

  We'll shoot for around sometime next week where I'll actually record the video so you've got plenty of time to think of whatever before you send it in. Thanks again for all the support everyone! Hope you're all doing well and staying safe.





Hey Ryan, are you familiar with the concept of the player 'optomising the fun out of' a game? Do you ever find yourself turning gaming into a super efficient task, losing the full experience of it and maybe forcing yourself to slow down and impose your own rules on your gameplay; e.g not using fast travel?


Did you ever play a game you thought you would really enjoy from what you have seen from it ( reviews , trailer , etc) to only find out it was not very good at all?


Hi Ryan maybe you can tell us more about your personal life how's Melissa doing 🐱 what do you for work show off your tesla 🚗 tour of your home 🏡


Hey bro, have you ever thought of making a video of your entire gaming collection? Not just the ps stuff I mean. Or would that be something you’d plan on saving for when you get a bigger space and have more room? And also what’s your day job? I remember reading a comment about you being a chef? Anyways, hope you have a great day!


1. Favorite Playstation console? (Mine go from worst to best: 3 > 1 > 4 > 2) 2. What other systems (console, handheld, or whatever else) have you owned besides Playstation? 3. What made you become a Trophy hunter? 4. Favorite food?


Did you enjoy this gen of psvr? Are you looking forward to the next?


Hey Ryan! I know several weeks ago you had some pics of a Sucker Punch game in the works. Do you think Sucker Punch will remaster the first 2 Infamous games? Or perhaps a sequel to Second Son? I’m a PS Vita lover such as yourself and I know Sony didn’t promote it all too well, but damn I love this handheld and think it’s grossly underrated. Also, I LOVE Uncharted. How awesome would it be if Sony/Naughty Dog managed a deal with Disney and made some Indiana Jones games that play just like Uncharted!?


Good Morning Ryan (UK time) What is your opinion on PlayStations business ethos compared both to the head company Sony's and its gaming competition, it seems that Sony PlayStation is finally learning to be more user friendly with making more options of choice and cross play. But I can still feel a bit of Sony's influence here and there like the Spider man deal 🤝 in avengers. Your and everyone elses input please? Best regards from Hozi.


Do you think it is too late to start a physical collection of videogames? I felt inspired by your collection and your attitude towards it but now I feel it's too late hehe... I've had NES, SNES, PS2, PS3, Wii U, PS4, PS4 Pro, (And let's not even start with PC stuff!) with many games but for some reason I've always had to sell them (except PS4) but now I promised myself to keep everything to show to my kids hehe. Now I kind of regret having sold everything but the last generation.

spencer sorensen

Favorite tv shows/movies, do you play many games on pc? If so what are you into on pc? Have you hacked your vita yet? I did recently to use normal sd cards and it’s not too hard


which game did impress you when you saw the trailer but did disappoint you when you start playing?


Mighty taco or Taco Bell?


I already did this Q&A but I'll answer this now: Taco Bell. And that might've just revoked my WNY card but there's a reason why Taco Bell is an international chain. Still love Mighty too though!


😂 it’s all good I eat both myself, they both are different enough IMO to appreciate both. Might taco is nostalgia for many