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  320 GB's. That's the amount of footage I have so far between gameplay, facecam, and audio for what is currently a video documenting my Platinum run for Cuphead. And.. I'm still not done!

  When Cuphead was announced for PS4 I knew right away: Hell yes I'm so going for the Platinum. But something told me that maybe I should film it since it will be what can only be described as a roller coaster that constantly jerks you around so much you start to wonder if it was even worth it. (I kid though, it's an excellent game). So, that's an upcoming video I figured I'd fill you all in on! Though at this point I have to warn the editing will be a massive undertaking as I sift through hours upon hours of me failing and trying to highlight all the ups (and mostly downs). Hopefully it will turn out similar to the '30 Platinums in 30 Days' video if you all remember that.

  Also, another look into the future: I found a random PS4 lot on eBay! FINALLY. Granted I had found one before, but it was $40 and was just an amazing steal for mostly voided retail games. This one I bought was much more expensive, from what looks like a smaller seller. That should be coming soon. That's it for now! Will be getting back to Cuphead to work on expert mode. I pray this doesn't take much longer as I'll run out of places to STORE THE FOOTAGE. 

P.S. I suspect some will ask about the shirt. It's from Ray Narvaez line FrameRate Merch! Not at all sponsored, he's just a friend who made a dope ass shirt. If you want a link you can find it here: https://www.frameratemerch.com/collections/shirts/products/t-shirt-trophies-chill





First living man to enter hell and return


I didn’t expect a platinum run. I’m sure you got this but good luck .


Brave man. Too hard for me I fear.


Congrats on the Cuphead plat. Very impressive.


Can’t wait to see you get cuphead plat


Wow! Can’t wait to see this. Mustve been a tough one good luck


Editing through the hours of footage now, which that in itself is a battle.