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  Sup everyone! I don't have much of an update for you other than we've got a lot of unboxings coming up and I have to wait for the packages to actually arrive. So in the meantime, I think now is a good time to finally do an exclusive Q&A for Patrons. Which is cool for this because there's not many of you here, so I can spend a lot of time on each question if any of you have anything you'd like to submit.

 So by all means fire away in the comments if you'd like something answered on video and I'll get to it in about a week or so depending on how many questions are received, if any. 




Your favourite game of all time? How old is Melissa and have you had any other pets? Are you playing Days Gone? Any plans to do a review?


What model iMac do you have? And when will I get access to your private email?


Hey, Ryan. You’ve always been a voice of reason. I’m about to graduate college with an economics degree. I’ve started to realize that I went for the wrong thing and likely won’t be happy pursuing it. Obviously, I’m in deep. I should have gone for something games-related. I spend more of my time on 3d modelling, animating, practicing programming, and learning game engines than I have ever spent on school. I’ve barely scratched the surface, but I know this: I enjoy it more than anything I’ve ever enjoyed. I don’t mean to thrust my life’s problems onto you, but was wondering what advice you might have, or if you can relate in any way. You’re the raddest. Thanks :)


Hey Ryan I was wondering what do you do for work what do you do there


Also where are you from


how can i balance my love for video games and its creativity into the media while also trying to strive for bigger goals in my personal life?


Hey man. So basically this is just about YouTube. I have my own channel too but I would just like some advice, it's really hard to get a huge handful of views / subs just was curious if what the turning point was for you and what started to get you a lot of traction did it happen straight away or did it take time? Cheers bro


Are Patreon Supporters included in your weekly drawings?


Hey Matt, if you're referring to the Let's Talk Plus giveaways, anyone can enter but Patreon supporters are not automatically entered. Gleam (the giveaway website I use) does not support such a feature. So you're more than welcome to enter every week but you'd have to do it manually. Sorry!