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[Pictured Above]: Melissa decided to show up while I was trying to get a thumbnail for my upcoming unboxing video. What a cat.

  Hey everyone sorry I've been MIA here for a week or two, so just trying to post a quick little something instead of nothing at all. But things are basically going good. The PS3 online video blew up to over 2 million views which is crazy awesome. First time I've ever experienced something like that. The channel grew by 12,000 subscribers in a week! Crazy right? Totally. 

  Anyway, as always been very busy but still managing a second video every week on top of LTPS that's usually a different wild card kinda topic. Glad everyones been enjoying them but I'm barely managing to get those videos ready by Tuesday to A.) Provide an early access link for you all here and B.) Attempt writing the next documentary. It's definitely been hard. I can't even start the next in-depth video but I'm trying the best I can. 

  With all the momentum the channel has been having lately I can't really afford to miss a week of videos. It almost feels like a make or break it moment where I'm getting discovered more easily so we'll see if we can keep that train rolling. Anyway, I'll have a new personal video soon talking to you all and thanking you all in the coming days so be on the look out for that. Thank you everyone!





Really excited for you Ryan! Just remember not to get too burnt out making videos, take breaks when you need to!


2.4 million views! Wow dude, congrats!