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Sup Patrons (I love you) back with some more behind the scenes. Thought I'd fill you in on the creative process for this one. As you might've seen, it's short. A minute long, and the intro and outro to it was something very specific that I knew I wanted to do the second I thought of it. 

  An LTPS disc being put into a PS1, cut to fast b-roll of channel footage, end with disc eject out of PS4. The real question was, how was I gonna put an LTPS logo on a disc? Welp, my buddy's wife uses vinyl to make a lot of custom crafts, so I had her help me out. 

Now I'm sure you may have noticed, but the final product is actually a disc upside down. This was not my first choice. I initially was hoping to put an entire blue cover over a disc, and then place the LTPS logo to give it a more clean, finished disc look. From the picture below you can see this didn't really work well. 

Too many air bubbles, issues lining up holes, existing disc logo still shows. Now there was a few ways we could have taken to rectify this but admittedly this was a few second of b-roll that I just had to figure out, and had to do it in more of a time and cost friendly way. 

Thus came Kristen's idea to simply flip the disc and stick the logo on. This looked much cleaner and sleeker. A part of me thinks a lot of people are just gonna be like "yo why that disc upside down" but ah well. I wanted to avoid that but hopefully people see where I was going with it. 

And to top if off here's some photos of me goofing off and relaxing while studio lights are out and I'm trying to get the shots I need. This is me basically creating 'behind the scenes' pictures at this point in case the above weren't enough.

Alright that's it for this post. Hope you enjoyed and I'll talk to you in the next one! 




I started watching some of your old videos today your vid from like 2013 about sony having a high chance of financial failer started playing then i realized iv watched every ltps video since a few months b4 that one then came the realization your the ONLY youtuber I still watch from back then and really the only youtuber I look for to watch every week or binge every couple weeks so I guess obviously I love the vids man keep it up I hope to watch your videos for another 4 years