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  Sup everyone, found enough time on this quiet Monday night to tell you about my Go Fest adventure. All in all it was a great time and despite the fact that last year had cellular problems I really regret not going. So I made sure to go this year. Took a lot of great AR photos which I will include. 

  The interesting part of the trip was actually my choice to not book a hotel because I'm a broke bitch who drives a Tesla now. Basically my idea was I'd stay in Chicago for 1 day and just sleep in the car. Since, if you didn't know, the Model S is big enough with the seats folded down that you can fit a twin air mattress in it. And since its an electric vehicle and you can leave AC on without an engine idling, you can have a nice cold or hot cabin while sleeping. So I decided to save $200-300 and sleep in the car that way.

  Sure enough it worked well. My sleep wasn't all that bad. Woke up the following day after arriving in Chicago and went to play Pokemon. After I played, had my fun, went back to the car and drove home. Overall, no regrets and definitely something I'd do again. Kind of an inexpensive way to travel when you can have a somewhat comfortable sleep in the car. I say that loosely since the Model S is an expensive car in itself but not having to pay for gas at all either also helped a lot. I probably saved at least $500 in gas and no hotel just by using the Tesla. Not too bad if you ask me!

  Anyway, I thought I'd also take the time to ask here, what are some topics you'd like to see covered in the documentary style? Trying to figure out what I should do next but there's so many things I could touch on and would like some input. Thanks homies! Keepin' it real as always. 




Cool stuff, Ryan! Some day I’ll own a Tesla! Hmmm just tossing some ideas out there. Maybe how Playstation consoles were born. History of certain games and why they were so important (like Crash, TLoU, LBP, doesn’t have to be PS exclusive) I know you’ve already touched on some of that stuff. Maybe dedicated videos for certain console generations. Like what happened during them? Maybe you could do something about specific aspects of games, like turn based combat, or different methods of building environments or just different environments? Idk for sure I’m just kind of throwing everything out there that crosses my mind. I look forward to whatever you decide upon though!