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  As you may have heard in LTPS 307, got into a car accident. Gonna fill you all in on what happened because ya know, I confide in you all. You're very important to me.

 So anyway, I was on my way to dinner plans in the middle of the day. Was around 4:30 PM. Interstate came to a halt basically. Everyone stopped in time, I didn't. Not sure how, it happened so quickly, but ended up rear ending the woman in front of me. Not sure if it was my reaction time, or just that I was going a little too fast to come to a stop. Perhaps my ticket I received after wasn't too far from the truth. "Following too closely". 

  This was my first major accident. I did have my first little one about 3 years ago before I bought the Nissan Altima. I backed out of my driveway and hit a parked car. Basically, I was a moron. What's crazy is that, as a car enthusiast I've always had a profound respect for the fact that these are 2 ton death machines. Before, I had received 2 speeding tickets. And after those and the fees I paid, I swore to never go 5 over. I stuck to it. 

  People that drove with me would pick on me but I didn't care. I was not risking another ticket and court appearance. With this, I am now going to be driving as defensively as possible from now on. It's a scary experience but you learn from it. And also, man I loved that car. Definitely going to miss it. Despite the fact that once it was paid off I was likely going to trade it in right away for a Tesla, I will miss it dearly. 

  First car I ever bought brand new. It was fulled loaded, and put 30% down at the age of 21. It was a proud moment for me as it was probably one of the most successful things to show for in my family. Most of my uncles, aunts, cousins, my mother, my father, they all struggled and continue to. It felt good to have my hard work pay off. My mother was almost happier than me. So after 3 years, 36,000 miles, and many road trips, time to say goodbye. 

 Thanks for listening to me blabble about my friggen Nissan Altima. Thankfully I had some videos saved up because my morale has been gone for the last week. Hopefully I will start filming new stuff soon. Speaking of which, here's what I've learned from the new uploads. 

Less Remembering.

Less Multiplayer montages.

Less gameplays of old games.

More focused coverage and discussion of the modern video game industry. The PS4 vs Xbox One video did really well. And I knew it would. As much as I enjoy doing some of the videos mentioned above, I'd like more exposure. So we'll be doing more coverage of whats happening today. One day I hope I can return to older stuff. And I'll likely still do some every now and then. Especially considering I still have some videos saved up. 

  Okay that's all, for real this time. Take it easy homies!




Damn, that sucks. Sorry to hear, good that you're all safe! Hope you're able to be back on the road soon. I know how shaken up I've felt after the couple bumps I've had, not a nice feeling at all.


I’m glad to hear that you’re unharmed, Ryan! I’ve never been in an accident, but I dread the day it happens. I drive a car passed from my dad to my brother and now to me. A 2004 toyota Matrix with nearly 300,000 miles on it. When it finally bites the dust, I’ll surely be sad. Although I love the older style of videos, I’m excited to see you focus on this new stuff. The older style is definitely something unique to you, but you always have a levelheaded and unique perspective on most everything, which is why I’ve been subscribed for so long(going on 4 year, I think).