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 Hi everyone, Ryan here touching base with you all again. HEY, except you, you're not touching the base with me? Come on, get your hand out. Touch it with me now. Thank you. Anyway, let's get to it. 

 Remember the roadmap I laid out for you all on the last post? It's in motion now. My mind and overall wellbeing is in a much better place right now. And I'm feeling really good vibes and energy as time heals my wounds. Now is the time to get back to my real commitment, you and YouTube. As of writing this, I filmed a few videos not a few hours ago. These are completely new, one off type things that you normally don't ever see me do. But I want to have a lot of content filmed for the eventual struggle of keeping it consistently uploaded on a week by week basis with my current work schedule. 

 But as I start uploading all the new content, things here will also get more aggressive. It's easy to slack off here when you're slacking off everywhere, and so it's time to right that wrong and move forward. Thanks again for being the kind people that you are. 

 Anyways, I've been playing a lot of Pokemon Ultra Moon and Pokemon Go. Go in particular has been super demanding since Gen 3 has been slowly rolled out. And quite frankly, that game gets me out of the house. And getting me out of the house helps clear my mind. So I really do love playing that and letting the completionist in me fill my Pokedex (just got my first EX Raid invite for next week, wish me luck!). After the Pokemon madness settles down I'm jumping into Call of Duty: Modern Warfare remastered. One of the few online games I truly loved. I played that religiously back in 2007. And its taken me this long to get a copy for myself to play. As always, let me know what you're playing! I might just pick it up and add it to my backlog.

 And finally, pictured above is Toronto's ice rink. I recently went up for a day trip and just had a good time. Traveling helps a lot too. I've always loved traveling, and I hope to see more of the world and all its beauty in 2018. Hope you're all doing well, and thank you so much!




I look forward to it all, Ryan! You always produce quality. And I’m glad to hear about the positivity. Seeing Skyrim in the background of LTPS actually prompted me to play it again. Hard to believe it first released almost 7 years ago now. You’re also making me miss playing Pokemon. It’s been ages since I’ve played a handheld other than my vita.


Glad to hear all is getting better for ya Ryan. Keep doing things to keep your mind in a positive place :) Excited for new videos as well. In terms of what I am playing; I am still hooked to AC Origins and also playing through Mario Odyssey (what a game)!


I’ve been watching my brother play Origins. Great game


Thanks for the update Ryan, I've just finished replaying Uncharted 3, and (I know, I'm a heathen) I'm gonna be starting Uncharted 4 for the first time soon XD I've been busy alright, get off my back.