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We're way ahead with Rebels but don't have enough time to put it all out on the channel so...here's everything we have so far. Season 3 will be coming quickly as well and we're just about to watch season 4. The race is on! Everything will be uploaded to this folder as and when they get completed and uploaded. 


Star Wars Rebels - Google Drive



2x22: So, first of all: I have also watched all this WAY later but when this came out, nobody was sure if Ahsoka actually did survive this as there was no appearance of her after this point and I think the scene was even slightly different and looked like it could also imply that she moved on (is dead). Secondly, I think it is pretty smart: Ezra's eyes weren't red, it was simply the red light from the Holocron in his eyes which shows that right now, Ezra is somewhere in the middle using both sides of the force as he wishes and to get his goals (the most important one is to keep his friends safe, especially after he now believes Ahsoka to be dead because of his decisions). Lastly, Kanan said he and Hera will see each other again which turns out to be not true (if taken literally) in the end as he can no longer see anything. In the end their mission was still somewhat a success as 3 more inquisitors are now dead and, because there simply aren't many more Force-Users alive, that means that there are almost no Inquisitors left anymore. This is already somewhere 4-3 BBY, meaning that "A New Hope" is only 4-3 Years away and at that point the force and Jedi were almost forgotten or more concidered myth so it is reasonable to assume that at this point almost all the survivors are in hiding and try to stay of the imperials radar which means that there is no need for Inquisitors anymore (it would be a waste of time especially because the Rebellion is a bigger thread from now on). I am writing all this, because I want to emphasis why at least I believe this marks the end of the Inquisitors in the StarWars Timeline. From now on Vader is more used to hunt down important parts of the Rebellion (like Leia in "A New Hope") and not to train Inquisitors and hunt down Jedi anymore.


Hello jaby .Today is the Liberation Day of india and south korea.

Eric Cotton

Just watched your reactions to the first few episodes of S3. Few thoughts, you guys really should check out the Maul and Mandalorian arcs in Clone Wars. Also, the concept of "dark side" is a real misnomer. They aren't like yin yang or different sides of the same coin - learning both sides of the force isn't "balance." The light side of the force IS balance. The "dark side" of the force refers to corrupting the force - corrupting balance - to bend it to the will of the individual. The Sith aren't required for balance, the Sith are the physical embodiment of imbalance.


3x06: As I already said, I wanted Rebels also a long time after it aired (last year) BUT if I remember this right, this episode came before Season 7 of "The Clone Wars" and was somewhat of a gift to all the fans of "The Clone Wars" (because CloneWars was discontinued after Disney took StarWars and Rebels was it's "replacement"). Later they finished CloneWars with Season 7 but at the point this Episode came out CloneWars was not finished

Eric Cotton

Man, if you like Maul you guys NEED to watch Maul's arc in Clone Wars. I mean, everything you're asking for re: Maul is in there.


3x07: A new thread starts for real now: The Mandalorian-Thread of Season 3. I actually believe that Boba Fett is not really a Mandalorian, he just wears their Armor because it is his Fathers and he was a Mandalorian, but he himself was never in a Clan (again, at least that is what I believe, I have also not seen everything in StarWars yet). We also know from Season 2 of Mandalorian that at some point during the original trilogy the Mandalorians WERE against the Empire and were targeted because of that, their Home completely destroyed. The thread starting with this episode will give a lot of context to how Mandalore ended up there ;)


3x12: Besides some in my opinion really good projects (among the once that are not that good) like Rebels, Rogue One and Andor what is also very cool since Disney took over StarWars is that they unified a lot of characters so the voices and appearances of these Characters match in all types of media. (Old) Saw is for example the same actor in Rogue One, Rebels and the Jedi Games. The same goes for most other characters. Only when animated characters make their transition to live-action they unfortunately replace the Voice-Actors with more known actors most of the time, but even then not always. Thrawn will be the same actor in Ahsoka as the voice of Rebels, Zeb is the same in both Rebels and Live-Action and Bo Katan (you haven't met her yet) is the same as well. Also, this episode came out right around the same time as Rogue One was released in cinema. Besides that this is mostly a setup-episode so I will write more about the actual plot for Episode 3x13.


3x13: So, what he was drawing was indeed the Deathstar. The Geonosians were the species that originally started construction on the Deathstar, in the Orbit of their Planet. When they were finished with their part the empire wiped them out because the Deathstar was such a secret project that they didn't want anybody to know about this who was not fully commited (if it got leaked to the Senate that might have actually been the end of the empire, at least in the Senate). Even now you can see how much Saw is obsessed with a secret project the empire is developing and that obsession will only grow over time (at this point he already made contact with Erso, one of the main creators of the Deathstar, and he was probably made aware by him that some secret super-weapon is in development but he doesn't know what yet)

Eric Cotton

Sam Witwer (voice of Maul) does a break down of the fight in Twin Suns. Highly recommend checking it out. The explanation makes the Kenobi-Maul fight my favorite in all of Star Wars. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaowghzEFb8


3x14: So, not that much to say here except that this shows again one of the reasons even "filler" episodes of Rebels are so good. 1. They still introduce something that will/is important to the world or something that connects to previous episodes 2. They switch up the Team almost every time for these, pairing characters in a way that is fresh (like this time Zeb, AP5 and Chopper) and therefore showing new character-dynamics


3x15: Oke, this will be a bit longer than the last few: 0. Oke, maybe not so much. MAN, you are VERY VERY good at analysing and taking in everything this episode has at first watch. I have rarely seen reactors pick up so much of this episode 1. So, as you already found out, yes: I personally think because Kanan was trained by the Jedi Order he himself has prejudices created through that environment. I mean, the Jedi at that time did really think they were right and untouchable and because of that I think Kanan still has a bit of prejudices against Non Force-Users (like Sabine) and at first didn't believe she could really fight with a lightsaber that well 2. I absolutely love that you didn't see Ezra's "At least you have family to go back to" as an insult or something because even if it is a very hard line to say, I think it more than anything else convinced her to finally face her family because deep down she does want to reunite with her family, just like Hera already did and this not only brought her problems in perspective but I think also made her realise that in this world she could loose her family in a heartbeat without ever trying to return at which point returning is no option anymore. I personally think this is the start of a deeper connection between Ezra and Sabine as they have now grown so close that they can share more with each other than most other people and they are slowly becoming either brother and sister or "lovers" (it depends on how you see it). I would highly recommend you watch their dynamic from now until the end of season 4 😉 3. I love the lore we get on Lightsabers in this episode (even more great world building while also telling a personal story). The lore we get in this episode is used a lot in Mandalorian later with Din not working out how to connect with the Darksaber and I personally believe now also in Ahsoka with Sabine distancing herself from Ezra and "his lightsaber" (how she sees it) which (on top of not having trained) gave her even more trouble when fighting Hati (the Padawan). If you rewatch the ending of Ahsoka 1x1 you can see that the saber seems a lot heavier for her in that fight. 4. I love how Kanan uses Anger to unlock Sabines emotions and because she is fighting her emotion get's bigger and bigger until she can't control them anymore which then unlocks the emotions she tried to hold in for so long. Just a great way to show how fighting with Emotions makes you strong, but also vulnerable. Something the Jedi teach, just used in a very different context. 5. I find the Mandalorian gadges very interesting as they would make it possible for Sabine to be a "Jedi", even without using the Force. Maybe she would not be able to fight a force-user in the same way but she would also be more proficient with other enemies Force-Users have more problems with (not everybody can be good at everything) and at the end of the day, "Jedi" is a philosophy not a warrior-clan. That is at least how I see her becoming Ahsoka's apprentice without actually being force sensitive.


3x21: So, as this is a two-parter there is not that much to say for the first part (as usual): 1. I think you forgot that we indeed have known about the Ship that can pull others out of Hyperspace with Gravity (if they are near enough) since Season 2 (2x9 specifically). 2. With Commander Sato not only did a very brave commander go, also the command-ship was destroyed and it seemed to be an older imperial ship-model, one we didn't see in the original trilogy. So, with that, the Rebel-Fleet did another step towards it's final form in Rogue One and A New Hope. Otherwise there is not that much to add since it is pretty action-heavy and not as much has happened plot-wise.


3x22: 1. That shield was actually acquired by Zeb and Sabine while they were on Geonosis 2. Thrawn didn't continue the bombardment because he had the order to CAPTURE their leaders and with that bombardment it would have been quite easy to kill them without wanting too (if there was no shield) 3. Oke, now about the Bendu. So, my personal theory what he actually is is pretty simple (and will make more sense once we get into Season 4): He is the, let's call it "Guardian" of this world. He has a very deep connection to the force of that planet and his purpose is to keep the world in balance and alive. So, when a group of Rebels go onto his planet and bring imbalance with them, he tries to help them find Balance again. If however any side threatens his worlds balance and health he will go up against them and because of his strong connection to the force of that planet he has A LOT of power ON THAT WORLD SPECIFICALLY. As already said, why I think this become even clearer in Season 4 5. I don't think I need to tell you this but keep Bendu's vision of Thrawn in mind 6. The base that was destroyed was the Base of Rebel-Cell Phoenix-Squadron (under leadership of Sato). There are many other bases of other cells, one of them (the biggest in fact) is on Yavin 4 now. 7. The thing Hera talked about with Sabine and Clan Wren in the end was that they were going to help them in their Civil War as thanks. The only one who would not be with them is Hera herself because she now needs to command Phoenix Squadron after Sato is gone.


4x3 & 4x4: This is another one of the Deathstar-Episodes. 1. Ezra talking about helping Lothal is one of the first moments in this Season where you really get a sense of HOW MUCH Lothal means to Ezra. I think besides his new family, nothing is more important to him at this point. 2. You know what Saw becomes at Rogue One SO NO, Saw will not learn until the very end 3. No, Krennic is ISB (Imperial Security Bureau) and therefore always wears white (not just during Rogue One). The same applied to Yularen during the Episode where Thrawn found out about Kallus really being Fulkrum in Season 3 and also Dedra from Andor (though she was quite a bit lower ranked than Krennic) 4. This episode really shows how paranoid Saw already is at this point. This is about 1-2 Years before Rogue One so we can see that after this point he becomes even worse and in just a short time fights so hard (and ruthless) that even he does not get out unharmed. In Rogue One has has lost both of his legs already and needs a device at him all the times to keep breathing. He also not only fights against the empire at that point but the Rebel Alliance as well (going so far as to think they would assassinate him 5. Just as a reminder: Like Kanan said, this is the second Cybercrystal that the empire was transporting and the Ghostcrew prevented. The first one was in 1x6 (the one where Ezra goes under cover to recover the route that shipment would take) which was at 5 BBY. That shows what an effort the Deathstar really was. They transported Cyber for 5 years straight in secret through the entire galaxy. 6. The prisoner said he heard about an important shipment from Jedha. Jedha was the Planet Saw was on in Rogue One and also the one the empire used A LOT to get Cyber for the Deathstar. It is also the very first that ever got a blast from the Deathstar, although on that they only destroyed a city and not the entire planet. 7. I absolutely love the Quote from Ezra: "What if [...] the empire is on the verge of winning a war most of the Rebel Alliance doesn't believe has already begun?". It really shows HOW important Rogue One was. They needed those Plans otherwise the war would have been over before the Alliance found out it started. There were also a lot of leaders in that room during Rogue One that accepted that the empire had won already which just shows how much fear the Deathstar created


4x4: This one is for sure simply an episode that shows how they got to Lothal, nothing more. As I already said in a comment quite some time ago: Season 4 is one big storyline which means that there are many episodes that lead right into the next without being labeled "Part 1 and 2" or something similar. It is more similar to Series like Andor or Ahsoka in that way. 1. Jai Kell was the Cadet that would have been taken by the Inquisitor because he seemed to maybe be Force-Sensitive. I actually am inclined to believe that he indeed is at least a bit force sensitive, just that he never learned about it or how to use this. He also was a new Senator in Ahsoka if you remember from Episode 1 2. I love how they stripped back this season so we see just like in Season 1 again how a Rebellion starts with a small group, just this time with one that is a lot more experienced 3. Lothal is hurting under the Empires rule. Keep that in mind since it will be very important for the rest of this season


4x6: Man, as ever you guys are simply amazing at working out the details of what you see. This time it is your interpretation of Loth-Wolfs. You are actually more on point than I will explain in this comment because the next episode goes into detail a lot more. Otherwise this episode is pretty tame when it comes to new details for the bigger picture and world. The only thing I want to point out is how much Ezra's connection to the Living Force has opened up while they were away from Lothal in Season 2 and 3. He now affects the wild-life of his home-planet without even concentrating on it (the Lothcats are simply always doing exactly what he thinks and friendly). If you remember in Season 1 he even had problems "controlling" or as I would call it guiding them when he concentrated on it, now he seems to have a constant strong connection. When it comes to Ezra and Sabine I personally don't care that much if they are like Brother and Sister or a couple in the end BUT they definitely have a special connection that as I already said became really strong the moment Sabine finally opened up (the moment she confronted her past in 3x15 with the Darksaber). I also want to point out that right now they have been on every mission together really showing how much they care for each other and like each others company but from that episode on they seem much closer and more connected (again either as brother and sister or as the beginning of a relationship)


4x7: 1. Rukh you remember because it was his Code-phrase to deactivate his Training-Robots in the Episode they try to get Kallus out (from the empire) 2. Now let's really get into the Loth-Wolfes and also again into the Bendu because the Episode I talked about in earlier comments has come. Kanan gave us A LOT of clues at the end to what the Loth-Wolfes really are. They have a deep connection to the force OF THIS PLANET (deeper than usual) but it is also more focused, almost like it has a purpose. We also know the Loth-Wolfes haven't been seen in over 100 Years. All of that tells me that they are the Guardians of Lothal, keeping it balanced and Healthy. The Empire did finally destroy that Balance (after over 100 Years) and so they showed up again to fulfil their purpose: Protect the Planet and it's balance. The Wolfes are almost like a manifestation of the Force of the Planet Lothal and are therefore obviously very connected to the Cosmic and Living Force of THIS PLANET in particular giving them much more control than any other being on the Planet. What exactly they used to "travel" during this episode I can't tell you yet BUT it has to do with the fact that by controlling the Cosmic Force of this Planet they are technically "controlling" Space and Time or I would call it more existing outside the Boundaries of Space and Time. Now to the Bendu. I think based on the fact how much control he had on his Home-Planet and how he only showed himself when he thought it was needed that he too is such a Guardian, just for a different Planet. This would also work with the fact that he is "The one in the Middle" since a Guardian has no real affiliation. He does what is best for the place he guards no matter if it is light or dark. It even explains WHY he called Kanan and helped him and Ezra overcome their imbalance. The imbalance of both Jedi reflected onto the Imbalance of the Force on that planet while they were there. But as the Guardian he wants to keep Balance so he did exactly that (just in a much smaller way since the thread was not as big as it is now on Lothal) 3. NO, it most definitely is not the Deathstar since first of all, you would probably see that at this point. Everything they are doing now (about 1BBY) is final stages of construction (even at 5BBY, during Season 1, the Deathstars Hull was already fully constructed). Also, I don't think the Loth-Wolfes would really care about that as long as it didn't disturb the Balance on Lothal (which it probably would because of the Resource-Usage and Pollution but that is already happening because of the Tie Defender Program). What I mean with all of this is that whatever is "more sinister than the Tie Defender Program" probably has to do with the force and why it has begun to fall into imbalance on Lothal because of the Empires presence (no more until further episodes) 4. Yes, that Kanan Jarrus is not his real name was actually hinted at in 1x10 already when the vision of the Grand Inquisitor Ezra phased in the Jedi Temple said (paraphrasing): "So he called himself Kanan now, did he" I don't know if there were more hints after that but we found out about his real name being Caleb Dume in 3x3 when Maul reveals it to us, the audience, because he read Heras mind to find out where the Holocron is on the Ghost. So that is the first time we actually hear his name. Oh, and NO, Kanan was not on Coruscant curing Order 66. If he would have been his chances of Survival would have been EVEN WORSE but like many Padawan during the Clone-Wars he was on Mission with his Master while Order 66 was executed and so was not totally surrounded by enemies immediately (besides all the Clones of course)


4x8: 1. Protocol 13 is just another hint for the Rebellion that they really are building something terrible. I suspect Saw also heard about this. Just imagine how he flipped out about that with how much he was already hunting this secret weapon. I mean, Rogue One Saw should give us a good point of reference 😢😬 BTW, I don't know if you understood that but this protocol is not just for Lothal but for every planet (it is a general protocol). Also, I don't think anybody in the empire except the top people really know the real purpose of this protocol. Lothal could not be targeted by the Deathstar (yet), because the Deathstar will not be complete until right before Rogue One and we know that the City on Jedha will be the first real-life test-target For an In-Law reason why they would not simply destroy Lothal (like many other planets). Their big, expensive and most advanced Tie-Fighter Factory is on that planet (the Tie Defender Program). They would not simply destroy that 2. I love how that little Section of Ezra not climbing through vents anymore really shows how he has grown out of being a "street-rat" (like Kanan called him in 1x1) and has fully become a Jedi Padawan 3. Well, as Ezra said, even if the others would go to help the Rebellion somewhere else HE would stay on Lothal to help his people until the Empire is banished from Lothal. It is basically an equivalent moment for his Character to Sabine staying with her Mandalorian Family in Season 3, just that this time the Ghost-Crew also keeps him Company. So you can see even now that probably the rest of this Season will stay on Lothal


4x10: 1. No, those Visions Kanan had in the very beginning were actually all from the future. It were all Lines Ezra said AFTER THIS EPISODE 2. Yeah, that is an iconic shot. Rebels has quite a few iconic shots that are like a painting 3. This is the big one (in my opinion) since it gives SO MUCH World-Building: So, why Thrawn had to go was because he needed to convince the Emperor to continue giving resources to Thrawns Project: The Tie Defender Program. As I understand it there are at least 2 massive project under way at this point in the empire: The Tie Defender Project that is controlled and endorsed by Thrawn and the Deathstar (Project Stardust) that is controlled and endorsed by Krennic. Both Projects are fighting for Resources (since they require so many resources) and they are at a point now where the Emperor seems to be pretty determined that one of them should be discontinued. I mean, based on the Original Trilogy you can already suspect which one was discontinued in the end but I will write more about this and how this makes Rebels VERY RELEVANT for the original trilogy and the final defeat of the Empire in a later comment since it will become clearer in a later episode 4. Yes, Kanan's death is very tragic and emotional but here again (for me) the problem with serious scripts for Rebels becomes obvious since I personally found the script somewhat lacking in this episode (it was way to much hinting at the fact that Kanan would die and how every trope for that was used during the episode). That at least is just my personal opinion BUT that doesn't mean that Kanan's death is not very emotional for me BECAUSE there are two episodes to come where they work with this PERFECTLY in the script and that always gets me emotional (so I can forgive this episode for not being as emotionally impactful for me personally 😅) But, that black and white Rebels Endscreen is brilliant and did get me emotional the first time. A great lesson on how to use technics other than story and acting to trigger emotions Also, I think you didn't notice it BUT he got his eyesight back the last few seconds to see Hera "One Last Time" (The Force can do stuff like that but it always comes with sacrifice) 5. Oh, and about Dume. It was (I think) that the Wolfes wanted to get him alone (without anybody) so they could show him what he needs to do to restore balance. I actually think they may not even know he is called Kanan. I don't know how it really works but they did get his name purely through "the Force" and maybe deep down he still is Caleb Dume and therefore the Wolfes used that name to address him


4x11: 1. Oke, so this is the first of the two Episodes that really get me emotional with Kanans Death and I think it is such a good idea to have this reflection-episode after 4x10 without much actual plot 2. I mean, like I understand why Thrawn in furious. Like I described in the last episode he is right now fighting for the survival of his Project and while he is away on Coruscant to do so Price destroys part of his project giving him an even worse ground on which to argue for his project to continue 3. Dume is definitely Kanan BUT it is simply him changed in the force. He is not even real in every scene we saw since during that time Ezra was in some sort of "Dream-World" interaction with them (through the force). This also means that Kanan still has a purpose to fulfil and the "Wolf Dume" is his new form in which he does.


4x12: 1. There it is again. The Loth-Wolfes as guardians: "They are on Lothals side" Also, man. Have I ever told you how good you are at listening and understanding this series. It is amazing how much connections you make during the first watch (even connecting Bendu to the Loth-Wolfes and that they are similar for their respective planets) 2. Here is my reason why I think it didn't take Master and Apprentice this time. That thing with Master/Apprentice is based on the Jedi Order (which build the temple itself) but I believe this picture is not actually from them ONLY DISCOVERED and kept in the Temple, maybe they even build the temple around it) 3. Oke, so I believe that only one person at a time is able to enter the gateway and that is why the stormtroopers couldn't follow Ezra. As I already said, I believe this is not actually by the Jedi but some other civilisation (the Mortis-Gods are an Arc in Clone-Wars later and they also are POWERFUL force-users). I believe the Jedi (like in so many other worlds) found on Lothal a point that was deeply connected to the force and build a Temple around it but the origins of this (the painting and the gateway) were already existent before the Jedi Order did anything. That means that this does not abide by the rule of Master/Apprentice and it also means that it is not exclusive for Light-Side users. To open the Gateway you needed to align the Painting with the Daughter which is the representation of the Light-Side so yes, in this case you fortunately needed to use the Light-Side of the force to open the Gateway BUT using the Dar-Side (activating the Brother) and using the Middle (the Father) will also have it's own effects. More in the next episode (that will be a LONG comment) 4. Oh, and for the end of this Series, YES: The Emperor is voiced by Ian McDiarmid (he has one appearance in Season 2 where he is voiced by Sam Witwer, who also voices Maul btw)


4x13: As said: This will be a BIG comment The ending of this episode is probably my favourite moment in Rebels. Full transparency: I copy at least parts of this comment because I don't want to write it new every time. Here is my current understanding of it: For me "The World between Worlds" works like "TimeTravel" in Harry Potter (or DARK if somebody has seen that show), meaning everything has always happend. You can't change the timeline, you can just travel through but that will already be considered in the current events. Of course, it will still be desirable to get into the World between Worlds because Characters in the Universe don't know about the Future (not like we as viewers) and would still like to change things at multiple points at the same time and therefore influence the Future, but generally what is Canon now can't be changed when a Character goes into the World between Worlds, it can only be explained (like the end of Season 2 of Rebels was explained in this Episode) That is the reason I think this is the case when it comes to keeping Canon intakt and not making StarWars to complicated and full of plot-holes. Here comes the in universe explanation: This one hinges on the idea that THE FORCE is there to keep balance and that the World between Worlds is a manifestation of the Cosmic Force, the part of the Force that encompasses time and space. Naturally the World between Worlds would then be a bridge between different places and times BUT if you do use this bridge it changes nothing about the time or space you go to since in terms of Cosmic Force there is no Time and Space keeping events apart (as pretty obvious because of how the World between Worlds works). So, when you travel to a different time/space, it is simply like you would travel in the normal world just that boundaries of Space and Time no longer exist. Right, now the last problem: Paradoxes! My personal believe is, that because the World between Worlds is based on the Cosmic Force which is Time and Space (and holds both in place) you simply can't create a Paradox. Remember: The force keeps balance and structure so it would be very strange if a manifestation of the Cosmic Force would allow for a Paradox to be created (the exact opposite of balance and structure). The only problem here is of course that Ezra could have created a Paradox in Rebels if he would have saved Kanan (and killed himself in the process). Here are the two explanations I personally think are reasonable: 1. The simple HE DIDN'T DO IT. The Cosmic Force showed him the event and he didn't create the Paradox because of Ahsoka reminding him that loss is needed. Because the Cosmic Force is a force of Nature there doesn't need to be a limit or some sort of barrier. If it is a natural rule that you can't create Paradoxes even if you have the opportunity you simply can't create them. Something will always interfere (like Ahsoka did in this case). You simply can't explain some natural rules. 2. The vision was not real but in fact created and produced by Palpatine so that Ezra reaches through giving him entrance to the World between Worlds because, as we later see with the flames, in order for him to enter he needs to connect with a person inside and the Lothal Temple will not allow him to enter because you need to use the light side of the force to enter the World between Worlds from that Gateway (I am sure there are other entrances, some maybe needing the dark side or even "the middle" but the Emperor has not found any other). I find this a pretty good theory, especially because Palpatine appears in the same gateway as Kanan was only moments ago and while we don't know much about the World between Worlds yet, I find it quite hard to believe that a gateway can simply change it's connected place and time. The only thing that is a bit strange would be how Palpatine can do something so powerful but not enter the World between Worlds itself BUT we also know Palpatine is a master of deception so this would be a power he would be very interested and skilled in. Lastly I wand to point out the Mortis-Gods and their different uses in controlling the gateway. Starting with the basics: The 3 are symbols for the 3 directions of the force: Light (Sister), Dark (Brother) and "the Middle" (Father). What is really interesting is that for the Gateway to open in this Temple you needed to connect with the Sister and therefore use the Light side of the force (the map glowed Golden/Light). This is very good for us as no Sith could have entered the Temple, even if they understood what they needed to do. I want to point out that Ezra had no problem opening the gate after concentrating a bit. Now, when Ezra closed the gate he needed to interact with the Brother and therefore use the Dark side of the force (the Map glowed Red/Dark). He did actually managed to pull it of BUT he was so drained from that effort that he passed out shortly after and was probably gone for several hours, considering the Time changed from Night to Day. This to me shows that over the past 2 seasons he has distanced himself more and more from the Dark Side (since the beginning of Season 3) and has truly become a Light-Side Force-User (no Jedi of the old order, like Ahsoka, since he was never knighted by Kanan). What is even more interesting when thinking about this is however the possibility of somebody being in Ezra's position who never had contact with the Dark-Side of the Force. Such a person would probably not have been able to close the gate fully, giving the Emperor a possible entrance into the World between Worlds. Even powerful Jedi like Obi-Wan and Yoda would not have been able to do so since they never connected with the Dark Side and have no experience in using it. Ezra used it extensively in the Past and even he had problems with it. As you can see, Ezra was basically the perfect person to have interacted with this specific gateway into the World between Worlds in order to keep the Emperor out. Oke, that was my comment. I hope at least somebody got through it 😅 and maybe has some thoughts he would like to share

LaTech (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-31 13:34:15 4x14: 1. Yeah, Riders "betrayal" really was well written, especially since they never act too much like they don't know about the plan when the empire is not around. When they first spotted the ships after knowing what is going on it could also simply be a "They are here!" as in: The fight is about to begin and not like you would think on the first watch as in "How did they find us" (if you know what I mean). Once the empire was there it was obvious that they had to play dumb until the Ghost arrived which is why they fought so hard and let themselves get captured when odds were too much against them.
2023-08-31 11:32:46 4x14: 1. The base of the Clones is now the AT-AT that Ezra and Kanan boarded ;) 2. I think at this point Ezra is the one person Hondo would actually do a favour for, somehow. It is good to see that even Hondo can have one person he really cares for and that person to inspire him to care more in general. 3. Yeah, Riders "betrayal" really was well written, especially since they never act too much like they don't know about the plan when the empire is not around. When they first spotted the ships after knowing what is going on it could also simply be a "They are here!" as in: The fight is about to begin and not like you would think on the first watch as in "How did they find us" (if you know what I mean). Once the empire was there it was obvious that they had to play dumb until the Ghost arrived which is why they fought so hard and let themselves get captured when odds were too much against them. Obviously next Episode will be a long comment again, so...

4x14: 1. The base of the Clones is now the AT-AT that Ezra and Kanan boarded ;) 2. I think at this point Ezra is the one person Hondo would actually do a favour for, somehow. It is good to see that even Hondo can have one person he really cares for and that person to inspire him to care more in general. 3. Yeah, Riders "betrayal" really was well written, especially since they never act too much like they don't know about the plan when the empire is not around. When they first spotted the ships after knowing what is going on it could also simply be a "They are here!" as in: The fight is about to begin and not like you would think on the first watch as in "How did they find us" (if you know what I mean). Once the empire was there it was obvious that they had to play dumb until the Ghost arrived which is why they fought so hard and let themselves get captured when odds were too much against them. Obviously next Episode will be a long comment again, so...

LaTech (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-31 16:45:39 4x15: As many actions, Ezra's actions to free his home-world also did change quite a lot when it comes to the balance between Empire and Rebellion and how it would eventually end (I try to keep spoilers for anything except stuff we know from Rebels out of this): 1. This was as we have seen over the runtime of Rebels the first real blow to the empire (one that did spark a lot of hope inside the Rebel Alliance and without that hope they might have been fractured before they could really take on the empire) because this was a small Rebel Cell driving the Empire away from an entire planet (one that was very important for the military) 2. As we heard a few episodes ago the Tie-Defender Project was the brainchild of Thrawn and as always what Thrawn cooks up is usually not a good sign for the Rebellion. Because Thrawn was taken away by Ezra and the facility was damaged and the planet now taken by the Rebellion the Empire didn't bother continuing the Tie-Defender Project but used their funding for Stardust (Deathstar). This is the reason they kept their Tie-Fighters which had huge weaknesses (no shields, no hyperdrive, ...) and could therefore only win against the fighters of the Rebellion because of Numbers most of the time. 3. Ezra did not fall for Palpatine who wanted to trick Ezra in opening a gate to "the World between Worlds" again (he needed Ezra because the Portal on Lothal needed somebody to use the Light-Side of the Force to open it). Not only that, Ezra even destroyed that portal into the World between Worlds as well so Palpatine had to start searching from the beginning. 4. This is only speculation but I personally think Lothal could have played a mayor part in the continues Rebellion as it was one of the only planets that wasn't under imperial control but still had a civilisation living on it. Not only that it was now also protected at all times by Sabine who I guess could have found out in an instant if something went wrong as I believe the connection to the Force of the Planet Ezra made in the last season did also help Sabine quite a bit (we at least see her in the epilogue driving together with Lothwolfs...) 5. Oke, small comment about the comment of "Why don't you write everything in StarWars". I know the intentions of that comment were probably not that way but I would be hesitant to say that when it comes to StarWars since that is one of those sentences used by people to fight within the StarWars community. Some said this after Andor about all other projects (that the Andor team should simply take over StarWars) while others say that about Filonis team... ...while I say: Have as many teams create different types of StarWars Stories as possible. I really like the way Filonis team writes StarWars (especially when it comes to Rebels) but I also love the Writing behind Andor and Rogue One. 6. Somebody noticed (no idea anymore who did) that Kanan was not in his bedroom during 3x20 (Twin Suns). There definitely were hints, just saying... 😉 Over all, I found your Reaction-Series to probably be the best I have seen as you realised SO MUCH during the episodes and I would personally love you to react to more StarWars Animation. - As you are already watching CloneWars in the freetime and that would be a massive project (and that series is already pretty old at this point) I think it is not as suited for Reactions - The Bad Batch if you both have not seen it yet. There are at least a few connections to Rebels as well and while I find it personally quite a bit weaker than Rebels it is still a good time with some really standout Episodes along the way - There is one extra StarWars Animation Show, Resistance, that IS made a lot more for Kids (I know that is what people say about Rebels as well but in this case it actually applies) as it uses a lot more Slapstick humor and so on and because of that it is not nearly as loved as CloneWars, Rebels (although Rebels was not that loved at one point as well) or even Bad-Batch. I personally only started that one recently since I am also (like you) still pretty new to Animated StarWars but I personally am actually having quite a good time with it although I also don't mind a lighter and more kids-focused show and to be honest even like that Resistance is more animated in its art-style (I am only finished with Season 1 though). It is not for everyone BUT I wanted to talk about it non the less because it often gets forgotten when talking about Animated StarWars and I think every show (no matter for who it is) should be included - Then there is of course Tales of the Jedi which I actually think is a great show and definitely am looking forward to for further seasons (I think that might also be the one show where we might see more Kanan-Stories if they ever go back to his character) SO, I finally made it though. A comment for every episode. I don't know if anybody actually read all of them BUT it was good to talk about all the stuff that I like about this show. If anybody read at least most of these I would really like a comment ;) For now I will copy all these comments in a word-document so that I can use bits of these when I comment on other videos 😂
2023-08-31 12:47:51 4x15: As many actions, Ezra's actions to free his home-world also did change quite a lot when it comes to the balance between Empire and Rebellion and how it would eventually end (I try to keep spoilers for anything except stuff we know from Rebels out of this): 1. This was as we have seen over the runtime of Rebels the first real blow to the empire (one that did spark a lot of hope inside the Rebel Alliance and without that hope they might have been fractured before they could really take on the empire) because this was a small Rebel Cell driving the Empire away from an entire planet (one that was very important for the military) 2. As we heard a few episodes ago the Tie-Defender Project was the brainchild of Thrawn and as always what Thrawn cooks up is usually not a good sign for the Rebellion. Because Thrawn was taken away by Ezra and the facility was damaged and the planet now taken by the Rebellion the Empire didn't bother continuing the Tie-Defender Project but used their funding for Stardust (Deathstar). This is the reason they kept their Tie-Fighters which had huge weaknesses (no shields, no hyperdrive, ...) and could therefore only win against the fighters of the Rebellion because of Numbers most of the time. 3. Ezra did not fall for Palpatine who wanted to trick Ezra in opening a gate to "the World between Worlds" again (he needed Ezra because the Portal on Lothal needed somebody to use the Light-Side of the Force to open it). Not only that, Ezra even destroyed that portal into the World between Worlds as well so Palpatine had to start searching from the beginning. 4. This is only speculation but I personally think Lothal could have played a mayor part in the continues Rebellion as it was one of the only planets that wasn't under imperial control but still had a civilisation living on it. Not only that it was now also protected at all times by Sabine who I guess could have found out in an instant if something went wrong as I believe the connection to the Force of the Planet Ezra made in the last season did also help Sabine quite a bit (we at least see her in the epilogue driving together with Lothwolfs...) 5. Oke, small comment about the comment of "Why don't you write everything in StarWars". I know the intentions of that comment were probably not that way but I would be hesitant to say that when it comes to StarWars since that is one of those sentences used by people to fight within the StarWars community. Some said this after Andor about all other projects (that the Andor team should simply take over StarWars) while others say that about Filonis team... ...while I say: Have as many teams create different types of StarWars Stories as possible. I really like the way Filonis team writes StarWars (especially when it comes to Rebels) but I also love the Writing behind Andor and Rogue One. 6. Somebody noticed (no idea anymore who did) that Kanan was not in his bedroom during 3x20 (Twin Suns). There definitely were hints, just saying... 😉 Over all, I found your Reaction-Series to probably be the best I have seen as you realised SO MUCH during the episodes and I would personally love you to react to more StarWars Animation. - As you are already watching CloneWars in the freetime and that would be a massive project (and that series is already pretty old at this point) I think it is not as suited for Reactions - The Bad Batch if you both have not seen it yet. There are at least a few connections to Rebels as well and while I find it personally quite a bit weaker than Rebels it is still a good time with some really standout Episodes along the way - There is one extra StarWars Animation Show, Resistance, that IS made a lot more for Kids (I know that is what people say about Rebels as well but in this case it actually applies) as it uses a lot more Slapstick humor and so on and because of that it is not nearly as loved as CloneWars, Rebels (although Rebels was not that loved at one point as well) or even Bad-Batch. I personally only started that one recently since I am also (like you) still pretty new to Animated StarWars but I personally am actually having quite a good time with it although I also don't mind a lighter and more kids-focused show and to be honest even like that Resistance is more animated in its art-style (I am only finished with Season 1 though). It is not for everyone BUT I wanted to talk about it non the less because it often gets forgotten when talking about Animated StarWars and I think every show (no matter for who it is) should be included - Then there is of course Tales of the Jedi which I actually think is a great show and definitely am looking forward to for further seasons (I think that might also be the one show where we might see more Kanan-Stories if they ever go back to his character) SO, I finally made it though. A comment for most episodes (over 13000 Words). I don't know if anybody actually read all of them BUT it was good to talk about all the stuff that I like about this show. If anybody read at least most of these I would really like a comment ;) For now I will copy all these comments in a word-document so that I can use bits of these when I comment on other videos 😂

4x15: As many actions, Ezra's actions to free his home-world also did change quite a lot when it comes to the balance between Empire and Rebellion and how it would eventually end (I try to keep spoilers for anything except stuff we know from Rebels out of this): 1. This was as we have seen over the runtime of Rebels the first real blow to the empire (one that did spark a lot of hope inside the Rebel Alliance and without that hope they might have been fractured before they could really take on the empire) because this was a small Rebel Cell driving the Empire away from an entire planet (one that was very important for the military) 2. As we heard a few episodes ago the Tie-Defender Project was the brainchild of Thrawn and as always what Thrawn cooks up is usually not a good sign for the Rebellion. Because Thrawn was taken away by Ezra and the facility was damaged and the planet now taken by the Rebellion the Empire didn't bother continuing the Tie-Defender Project but used their funding for Stardust (Deathstar). This is the reason they kept their Tie-Fighters which had huge weaknesses (no shields, no hyperdrive, ...) and could therefore only win against the fighters of the Rebellion because of Numbers most of the time. 3. Ezra did not fall for Palpatine who wanted to trick Ezra in opening a gate to "the World between Worlds" again (he needed Ezra because the Portal on Lothal needed somebody to use the Light-Side of the Force to open it). Not only that, Ezra even destroyed that portal into the World between Worlds as well so Palpatine had to start searching from the beginning. 4. This is only speculation but I personally think Lothal could have played a mayor part in the continues Rebellion as it was one of the only planets that wasn't under imperial control but still had a civilisation living on it. Not only that it was now also protected at all times by Sabine who I guess could have found out in an instant if something went wrong as I believe the connection to the Force of the Planet Ezra made in the last season did also help Sabine quite a bit (we at least see her in the epilogue driving together with Lothwolfs...) 5. Oke, small comment about the comment of "Why don't you write everything in StarWars". I know the intentions of that comment were probably not that way but I would be hesitant to say that when it comes to StarWars since that is one of those sentences used by people to fight within the StarWars community. Some said this after Andor about all other projects (that the Andor team should simply take over StarWars) while others say that about Filonis team... ...while I say: Have as many teams create different types of StarWars Stories as possible. I really like the way Filonis team writes StarWars (especially when it comes to Rebels) but I also love the Writing behind Andor and Rogue One. 6. Somebody noticed (no idea anymore who did) that Kanan was not in his bedroom during 3x20 (Twin Suns). There definitely were hints, just saying... 😉 Over all, I found your Reaction-Series to probably be the best I have seen as you realised SO MUCH during the episodes and I would personally love you to react to more StarWars Animation. - As you are already watching CloneWars in the freetime and that would be a massive project (and that series is already pretty old at this point) I think it is not as suited for Reactions - The Bad Batch if you both have not seen it yet. There are at least a few connections to Rebels as well and while I find it personally quite a bit weaker than Rebels it is still a good time with some really standout Episodes along the way - There is one extra StarWars Animation Show, Resistance, that IS made a lot more for Kids (I know that is what people say about Rebels as well but in this case it actually applies) as it uses a lot more Slapstick humor and so on and because of that it is not nearly as loved as CloneWars, Rebels (although Rebels was not that loved at one point as well) or even Bad-Batch. I personally only started that one recently since I am also (like you) still pretty new to Animated StarWars but I personally am actually having quite a good time with it although I also don't mind a lighter and more kids-focused show and to be honest even like that Resistance is more animated in its art-style (I am only finished with Season 1 though). It is not for everyone BUT I wanted to talk about it non the less because it often gets forgotten when talking about Animated StarWars and I think every show (no matter for who it is) should be included - Then there is of course Tales of the Jedi which I actually think is a great show and definitely am looking forward to for further seasons (I think that might also be the one show where we might see more Kanan-Stories if they ever go back to his character) SO, I finally made it though. A comment for most episodes (over 13000 Words). I don't know if anybody actually read all of them BUT it was good to talk about all the stuff that I like about this show. If anybody read at least most of these I would really like a comment ;) For now I will copy all these comments in a word-document so that I can use bits of these when I comment on other videos 😂