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Here's episode 6!


Special Ops Episode 6 Watchalong YT compressed.mp4


Anupam Dixit

Hi Jaby! I see that SPECIAL OPS | S1E7 on YT but cant find it here. Is it yet to be uploaded?

Kapil Rao

Episode 07 ?

Nishant Sharma

Jaby what's the reason for the Patreon subscription every time you are uploading first on youtube and we are waiting here this is really sad.

Prashant Saini

It's all about money. They don't care it seems. On Patreon, they already got the money from us so they don't care. On YouTube, they will make money after uploading so YouTube is priority for them


It's a waste to pay 5 dollars when you can watch the same shit for free on YT that also before patreon, where are 7 and 8 Jaby?

anish shahapurkar

will get it dont worry, he might be busy or somethin...

Shean Roldhan

Why the fight? 5 dollar is like a drink coffee or have a McDonald's meals. Why the angry my beautifuI hindi audience? Your getting hindi content everyday. Then any other content. Why the butthurt? If a south indian is getting angry. It understandable because he only watches trailers, and high expectations films from south. The malayalam and kannada should be angry not the beautiful hindi speaking audience. Maybe other tiers should angry too like 50 dollar tier, 100 dollar tiers, 150 dollar tiers, and 200 dollar tiers. They have feelings too. Just enjoy what jaby put out.