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THE FALCON & WINTER SOLDIER Episode 2 Patreon Watchalong



Loved the discussion. Some of my views on this episode: - 1. When I saw the initial intro scenes with fake Cap, I thought it was to establish to the viewers some of his negative traits and that he is not a good guy, but it was quite the opposite: he had the merits to take on the mantle, he wasn't arrogant on getting the shield, in fact, he was unsure and wanted to try and be the best Cap, and plus, he only said good things about the Avengers. So, that was surprising to me that the show made me feel that way about him. I still have mixed feelings about him, coz the show hasn't given any strong reason yet to dislike him. 2. Even I was confused why Bucky and Sam gave up the truck chase so easily, one has wings and the other has super speed, they could have easily got back on their trail. 2. The Black Falcon scene would have made more sense to me if it was a white kid saying that to Sam. 3. In the joint therapy session, I think Sam was angry with Bucky because of the previous scene with the Black Super Soldier, and that Bucky hid it from him. And Bucky always had this suppressed anger at Sam, firstly, because he gave away the shield, and secondly, I also feel Bucky internally felt he could have succeeded Steve as the next Cap, but the fact that Steve felt Sam is more deserving didn't go down that well with Bucky. And thats why, Bucky says if Steve was wrong about Sam being a worthy successor, he might have also been wrong about Bucky not being worthy of the shield. I might be wrong, but that's what I sensed from that conversation. 4. I didn't buy the self sacrifice scene, that was not nicely executed. First of all, it clearly looked like the guy could have ran back to the plane after breaking the pole, and then he just blindly runs towards the militant grp who have guns without doing anything :D


Eagerly waiting for ep 3 watchalong @Achara hope you see this :)